More Martyrs for the Christian Faith


New member
We need to pray for the Christians living in ISIS occupied territory, and for the ISIS fighters, that God would work in their hearts that they may be born again.


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Hall of Fame

The Barbarian

They act now because they see the weakness in our leadership. I'm not looking for this administration to do anything but offer lip service.

... and bomb their leaders, facilities, and equipment, to the point that their neighbors can move in and defeat them.

Islamic State (Isis) has admitted for the first time that US-led air strikes on Kobani have forced its fighters from the Syrian town.

Two fighters from the Islamist group said in a video that aerial attacks by fighter jets from the US and several Arab countries were the main reason for the withdrawal.

“The warplanes were bombarding us night and day. They bombarded everything, even motorcycles,” one said in Arabic.

Another said the warplanes “destroyed everything, so we had to withdraw and the rats advanced”.

They vowed to attack the town again and defeat Syria’s main Kurdish militia, the YPG.

The US military confirmed that Kobani had been retaken from Isis.

Lieutenant-General James Terry, the commander of the task force that has been leading air strikes against Isis, said: “Kurdish ground forces, supported by our air component, were successful in retaking the town.”

Earlier this week activists and Kurdish officials said Kobani was almost cleared of Isis fighters, who once controlled almost half of the town.

The failure to capture Kobani was a major blow to Isis. Their hopes for an easy victory dissolved into a costly siege under relentless air strikes by coalition forces and an assault by Kurdish militia that cost the lives of about 1,000 fighters.

The US and several Arab allies have been targeting Isis positions in Syria since late September.

patrick jane

... and bomb their leaders, facilities, and equipment, to the point that their neighbors can move in and defeat them.

Islamic State (Isis) has admitted for the first time that US-led air strikes on Kobani have forced its fighters from the Syrian town.

Two fighters from the Islamist group said in a video that aerial attacks by fighter jets from the US and several Arab countries were the main reason for the withdrawal.

“The warplanes were bombarding us night and day. They bombarded everything, even motorcycles,” one said in Arabic.

Another said the warplanes “destroyed everything, so we had to withdraw and the rats advanced”.

They vowed to attack the town again and defeat Syria’s main Kurdish militia, the YPG.

The US military confirmed that Kobani had been retaken from Isis.

Lieutenant-General James Terry, the commander of the task force that has been leading air strikes against Isis, said: “Kurdish ground forces, supported by our air component, were successful in retaking the town.”

Earlier this week activists and Kurdish officials said Kobani was almost cleared of Isis fighters, who once controlled almost half of the town.

The failure to capture Kobani was a major blow to Isis. Their hopes for an easy victory dissolved into a costly siege under relentless air strikes by coalition forces and an assault by Kurdish militia that cost the lives of about 1,000 fighters.

The US and several Arab allies have been targeting Isis positions in Syria since late September.

good, that sounds like we ARE doing something ! ! ! :5020:

The Barbarian

You could argue that we might do even more, but the air strikes are allowing the Kurds and Iraqi militias to push daesh back out of Iraq.

And that's a good result.


New member
We need to pray for the Christians living in ISIS occupied territory, and for the ISIS fighters, that God would work in their hearts that they may be born again.

Amen. Perhaps in the short ( ? ), future, all Christians will fall to the knife. Islams? I believe so.

And I saw thrones,( Thrones are Governments), and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
rev. 20:4

The Barbarian

You have to watch out for those commie Muslim homosexual socialist liberals. Isn't it great to have a website that puts them all together for you?


New member
You have to watch out for those commie Muslim homosexual socialist liberals. Isn't it great to have a website that puts them all together for you?

One thing I noticed is that nearly all the commie muslim homosexual socialist liberals that Obama is appointing, according to the pictures on that page, are white. :think:

Clearly white people are causing the fall of Christianity here, right?

The Barbarian

One thing I noticed is that nearly all the commie muslim homosexual socialist liberals that Obama is appointing, according to the pictures on that page, are white.

Clearly white people are causing the fall of Christianity here, right?

Obviously, they're only pretending to be white. Fiendishly clever, those atheistic theists.
You have to watch out for those commie Muslim homosexual socialist liberals. Isn't it great to have a website that puts them all together for you?
Why the extreme left supports the socialist/communist agenda, which is against homosexuals, is beyond my understanding. I can see why the homosexual lobby is against a majority of Republicans. But I would think the Green Party or Libertarians would be much more acceptable.