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Donald Trump Jr Attacks Twitter for Censoring Anti-Obamacare Post

Donald Trump Jr has lashed out at Twitter for censoring a recent post which criticized Obamacare.

The President’s eldest son accused the social media site of “suppressing… thought” after it hid the details of a message which supposedly featured “potentially sensitive content”.

In the message, Trump Jr posted a news story about health insurance giants Aetna pulling out of Obamacare, and asked “How much more will this drive up #obamacare premiums?”

He quoted a tweet by the Drudge Report, which itself linked to this news story by Bloomberg, announcing that Aetna was leaving Obamacare exchanges in Nebraska and Delaware, the only two states where it was still participating.

However, for some users the content of his message was hidden, replaced by a message which said: “This Tweet is not available because it includes potentially sensitive content.”

A Twitter spokesman would not comment on specifics when asked by WIRED why the “sensitive content” filter was applied.

To read the rest of the article click HERE.