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VIDEO: Is YouTube censoring new Trump political ad?

The Trump campaign unveiled a new attack ad today aimed directly at Hillary Clinton and now Google is under fire for what some are claiming is censorship of political speech.

The ad is called "Dangerous" and describes the challenges across the globe that the next president will face. It also lays out what is calls failures of Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state and questions her stamina to be the commander in chief.

As soon as the video was released, Google owned YouTube, unlisted the video meaning you can't search for it and placed it behind a restricted firewall.

To read the rest of the story click HERE.


like marbles on glass
From the conservative-leaning Accuracy in Media:

Did Trump Campaign Unlist YouTube Video Ad to Create Buzz?
The Trump campaign released a new ad, “Dangerous,” on Tuesday that focuses on the foreign policy challenges facing the next president, and raises questions about Hillary’s health. It features the out of context photo of Hillary Clinton being helped up a set of stairs, raising the issue of whether or not she will be physically able to carry out the duties of the president.
According to conservative websites, YouTube has tried to hide the ad from Trump supporters by unlisting the video and placing a warning statement on the video’s page that asks users to “be considerate and think twice before sharing.”
Since YouTube is owned by Google—whose employees give overwhelmingly to Democrats—conservatives have jumped on the video’s unlisted status as a liberal conspiracy against Trump.
However, in my reading of YouTube’s policy, they will age-restrict or remove a video that they find offensive. But the listing options are completely up to the owner of the video:
When uploading a video to YouTube, you can change the privacy settings for that video to Public, Private, or Unlisted.
Public is the default setting and that means anybody can see your video.
Private means only those you invite to view the video can view it (they must have their own Youtube accounts and the maximum number is 50 usernames). Your video will not come up under any search results or your channel list. If you try to share it with someone who wasn’t invited, they will not be able to connect to it.
Unlisted means your video will not come up in search results or on your channel either. Only those who know the link can view it, and you can share the link with anyone, even those who do not have a YouTube account/username. This means that this video could still be seen by anyone, but only if they guess the link!
If your video is already uploaded, go to your video manager under the drop down menu and you can change the privacy settings for each video as well as DELETE your videos permanently.
This appears to be more of a PR ploy by the Trump campaign to stoke support for a campaign that is struggling with just 27 days left before the election.
The strategy appears to be working since the video has been viewed over 950,000 times.