More liberal censorship


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Battle erupts over censorship of 3D-printer gun plans

A lawsuit against the federal government alleges its restrictions on posting on the Internet plans for a 3D printer to make a firearm violates the First Amendment and other provisions of the Constitution.

The case has been filed in the U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas, on behalf of Defense Distributed and the Second Amendment Foundation. It names the Department of State, John Kerry and additional federal officials as defendants.

Cody Wilson, whose “Liberator” handgun reportedly was the first pistol intended to be built using only a 3D printer, had posted the plans on the Web in 2013.

To read the rest of the story click HERE.

The Barbarian

Well, you see, it's information, which should be freely shared.

I'm only slightly sarcastic here. The history of this kind of thing shows that suppressing it is never effective in the long term.


New member
Hall of Fame
3D print designs for guns are readily available. That's the point. This particular horse left the barn a while ago.