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More evidence for the Flood


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Wouldn't it be interesting if we find proof of life on Mars? According to the HPT's planetary plume, if there is proof of life found on Mars (or the Moon), it definitely came from the Earth, about six thousand years ago.


Right Divider

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Wouldn't it be interesting if we find proof of life on Mars? According to the HPT's planetary plume, if there is proof of life found on Mars (or the Moon), it definitely came from the Earth, about six thousand years ago.

The flood was a bit less than 6000 years ago. That would be closer to the creation.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Wouldn't it be interesting if we find proof of life on Mars?

How about granite?


Right Divider

Body part
How about granite?

Granite is NOT an igneous rock. So "how about it"?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Just telling the truth. Why does the truth bother you so much?
How bout just answer the question. Who hurt you? Or are you experiencing a challenging personal situation or something? Maybe something medical? You're indefatigably cantankerous. And while you're working on your snappy comeback ...

... the rest of us can consider another article pertinent to the presence of granite on the Earth:


Right Divider

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Dr. Brown explains this here: https://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/AstroPhysicalSciences5.html#wp9369342
Even granite, the basic continental rock, is a mixture of many minerals, each with a different density and melting temperature. If melted granite slowly cooled, the first mineral to solidify would sink to the bottom of the melt, if it were denser than the melt— or it would float to the top of the melt, if it were less dense than the melt. A “layer cake” of minerals, would form instead of granite—which is a granular mixture of minerals. Therefore, the entire Earth was never molten and did not form by meteoritic bombardment.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Dr. Brown explains this here: https://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/AstroPhysicalSciences5.html#wp9369342
Even granite, the basic continental rock, is a mixture of many minerals, each with a different density and melting temperature. If melted granite slowly cooled, the first mineral to solidify would sink to the bottom of the melt, if it were denser than the melt— or it would float to the top of the melt, if it were less dense than the melt. A “layer cake” of minerals, would form instead of granite—which is a granular mixture of minerals. Therefore, the entire Earth was never molten and did not form by meteoritic bombardment.
OK. Every geology source that shows up in a very simple internet search calls granite igneous, and they all seem quite aware of the structure of granite and how it wasn't just formed from cooling lava, they all have more complicated explanations for how the granite forms.

Right Divider

Body part
OK. Every geology source that shows up in a very simple internet search calls granite igneous,
Indeed they do, are they correct? Or does the majority decide what is true?
Did you even give the science a chance? If you melt granite you can see that is becomes something completely different. But don't let the facts get in your way.
and they all seem quite aware of the structure of granite and how it wasn't just formed from cooling lava, they all have more complicated explanations for how the granite forms.
Good for them. They are duped, along with you.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Indeed they do, are they correct? Or does the majority decide what is true?
No a PhD in mechanical engineering decides what's true obviously.
Did you even give the science a chance? If you melt granite you can see that is becomes something completely different. But don't let the facts get in your way.
I know that. So do all geologists.
Good for them. They are duped, along with you.
How am I duped?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Wouldn't it be interesting if we find proof of life on Mars? According to the HPT's planetary plume, if there is proof of life found on Mars (or the Moon), it definitely came from the Earth ...

How about granite?

Idea being, if there's granite on Mars, and granite was formed during and because of the Flood, it might have come from the Earth.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Where did you get the idea that "granite was formed during and because of the Flood"? It wasn't.
When were the granitic rock strata, with all the fossils claimed by geologists to be tens and hundreds of millions years old, formed?