Michael Cohen Predicts Giuliani Will Flip on Trump


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Michael Cohen Predicts Giuliani Will Flip on Trump: Rudy Would Give Him Up ‘In a Heartbeat’

Speaking with Alisyn Camerota, Michael Cohen — a former Trump attorney — predicted that one of the men who succeeded him, Rudy Giuliani, will eventually do as he did and turn on the ex-president.

“He’s got some real trouble coming down the pike,” Cohen said. “I can assure you on that one.”

Cohen believes the search warrant executed by federal authorities on Wednesday will bear fruit, and end up incriminating Trump.


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Giuliani's FBI raid and search warrant mean the Trump Ukraine scandal is far from over

The search and seizure of Rudy Giuliani's home and office is both exceptional and concerning.

... the fact that a judge approved multiple search warrants for Giuliani’s home and office is stunning and suggests that the affidavits in support of these search warrants contained facts and information that were so compelling (and that, most important, established probable cause that crimes had been committed) that the judge issued the warrants.

Gary K

New member
LOL. Anyone who takes Michael Cohen seriously hasn't paid any attention whatsoever to his previous behavior. Nothing he's said has been proven true. He's nothing but a political hack without any credibility.