Mexican Rapists


Trumps words were taken out of context, it's that simple. Everyone knows that is the case, but it was fuel for the Left to perpetuate their candidates.

A large amount of illegal immigrants come to the States and become criminals. California in particular has an insane problem here, with the majority of all the gang crime being Latino- which is just another observation of the problematic, backward agenda of liberals.

Mexico is relieved to have them come here and have it be our problem instead of theirs. Trump made this abundantly clear several times, but people still jumped on the race wagon.

The fact is that illegal immigrants are rarely upstanding- there's a reason why they are hopping the fence and not obtaining a green card- something completely lost to many morons out there right now not wanting anything done about it.


This thread has me looking at random statistics and crime below the border :chuckle:

In Panama, abortion is illegal except in cases where the woman's life is endangered or was raped- otherwise, it's felonious and a woman can do up to three years while the performing doctor does up to six.

Because of this, there is a disproportionate amount of pregnant women claiming rape :rotfl:

Because of that^, Panama acts real funny about rape.