Messiah ben Joseph versus Messiah ben David

Ben Masada

New member
Messiah ben Joseph versus Messiah ben David

The whole chapter 53 of Isaiah is about the dramatic epic of two Messiahs: Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah ben David. The drama that culminated in the "death" of Messiah ben Joseph for the sins of Messiah ben David. Properly speaking, Messiah ben Joseph is Ephraim or Israel, the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom. And Messiah ben David is Judah, the Southern Kingdom.

The sins of Judah had filled the Divine cup, and in God's judgment, the day had arrived for the removal of Judah.(Isa. 9:8) But according to I Kings 11:36, God had promised David that Judah, whose Tribe he had come from, would stay as a Lamp in Jerusalem forever. Therefore, according to Isaiah 9:8, the final judgment that was supposed to come upon Judah fell upon Israel instead, and Messiah ben Joseph had to go instead of Judah, or Messiah ben David.

But Isaiah says in 53:9 that the Suffering Servant was without guile, and sinless. That's exactly what Israel was: Pure of the sins he died for, since they were the sins of Judah and not his. Messiah ben Joseph therefore, did not die for his sins but for the sins of Messiah ben David. Therefore, Israel was removed because of the sins of another. He was pierced so to speak, by the sins of Judah. The sacrifice of Israel or Messiah ben Joseph meant the salvation of Judah or Messiah ben David. That's why Zechariah in 12:10 says that they (Judah) shall look upon him (Israel) whom they (Judah) had pierced with their sins, and mourn for him (Israel) as the one who mourns for his firstborn.

Now, let me explain by way of an analogy how Israel, or Messiah ben Joseph, who was the Suffering Servant died innocent of the sins of Judah or Messiah ben David:

"A" and "B". "A" has committed a crime punishable with death, and "B", by mistake was condemned for that crime. It doesn't matter how evil is "B" in his life or how bad are his sins. The point is that he was condemned to die for the crime of "A". Therefore "B" was killed innocent and pure of the crimes and sins of "A". "A" got saved by the death of "B". So, "B" was the Suffering Servant that brought salvation to "A". Now matching the analogy to reality, "A" was Judah that pierced "B" with his crimes and sins.

Now, with the removal of Messiah ben Joseph, according to Psalm 78:67-70, Messiah ben David occupied the place of Messiah ben Joseph, but as the Triumphant Servant with reference to the rest of Mankind, because of God's promise to Noah that humanity would never be destroyed again in an universal manner.(Gen. 8:21) The People-redeemer was the pledge and on his way in the near future with the choice of Abraham through Isaac. That's what sustains the world and allows it to keep going. Now, there is a small detail worthy keeping in mind. The blood of the Suffering Servant was shed once and for all. Now, Mankind is kept safe with the existence of Judah, the Triumphant Servant, according to Jeremiah 31:35-37.


New member
Messiah ben Joseph versus Messiah ben David

The whole chapter 53 of Isaiah is about the dramatic epic of two Messiahs: Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah ben David. The drama that culminated in the "death" of Messiah ben Joseph for the sins of Messiah ben David. Properly speaking, Messiah ben Joseph is Ephraim or Israel, the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom. And Messiah ben David is Judah, the Southern Kingdom.

The sins of Judah had filled the Divine cup, and in God's judgment, the day had arrived for the removal of Judah.(Isa. 9:8) But according to I Kings 11:36, God had promised David that Judah, whose Tribe he had come from, would stay as a Lamp in Jerusalem forever. Therefore, according to Isaiah 9:8, the final judgment that was supposed to come upon Judah fell upon Israel instead, and Messiah ben Joseph had to go instead of Judah, or Messiah ben David.

But Isaiah says in 53:9 that the Suffering Servant was without guile, and sinless. That's exactly what Israel was: Pure of the sins he died for, since they were the sins of Judah and not his. Messiah ben Joseph therefore, did not die for his sins but for the sins of Messiah ben David. Therefore, Israel was removed because of the sins of another. He was pierced so to speak, by the sins of Judah. The sacrifice of Israel or Messiah ben Joseph meant the salvation of Judah or Messiah ben David. That's why Zechariah in 12:10 says that they (Judah) shall look upon him (Israel) whom they (Judah) had pierced with their sins, and mourn for him (Israel) as the one who mourns for his firstborn.

Now, let me explain by way of an analogy how Israel, or Messiah ben Joseph, who was the Suffering Servant died innocent of the sins of Judah or Messiah ben David:

"A" and "B". "A" has committed a crime punishable with death, and "B", by mistake was condemned for that crime. It doesn't matter how evil is "B" in his life or how bad are his sins. The point is that he was condemned to die for the crime of "A". Therefore "B" was killed innocent and pure of the crimes and sins of "A". "A" got saved by the death of "B". So, "B" was the Suffering Servant that brought salvation to "A". Now matching the analogy to reality, "A" was Judah that pierced "B" with his crimes and sins.

Now, with the removal of Messiah ben Joseph, according to Psalm 78:67-70, Messiah ben David occupied the place of Messiah ben Joseph, but as the Triumphant Servant with reference to the rest of Mankind, because of God's promise to Noah that humanity would never be destroyed again in an universal manner.(Gen. 8:21) The People-redeemer was the pledge and on his way in the near future with the choice of Abraham through Isaac. That's what sustains the world and allows it to keep going. Now, there is a small detail worthy keeping in mind. The blood of the Suffering Servant was shed once and for all. Now, Mankind is kept safe with the existence of Judah, the Triumphant Servant, according to Jeremiah 31:35-37.


Wick Stick

Well-known member
Son of Masada,

Would this theological position be considered typical within modern Judaism?

It seems to me to disagree with the rest of the Scriptures, which state in no uncertain terms that Israel was carried away by the Assyrian due to her own sins.

Ben Masada

New member
Messiah ben Joseph versus Messiah ben David

That certainly wasn't Israel but it's interesting to see that you do believe in a savior even if it's the wrong one.

Israel sinless? :rotfl:

Yes, Jamie, Israel was sinless of the sins of Judah. Israel had to go qua Scapegoat not because of his sins but because of the sins of Judah. When Prophet Jeremiah and Ezekiel say that no one can die for the sins of another, the truth is that an individual cannot be sacrificed for the sins of another. The whole thread has been written around the concept of the collective, not of the individual. Jesus was an individual, part of the collective but not the collective itself. Therefore, he did not die for the world. Besides, the Scapegoat on the day of Yom Kippur did not die or was sacrificed to death but sent to the desert Eastward. When the virgin Israel fell according to Amos 5:2, at the hands of Assyria, the whole Ten Tribes were transferred Eastward through the desert into Assyria forever. That's when HaShem rejected the Tabernacle of Joseph aka Ephraim and confirmed Judah to reamain in Jerusalem forever. That's exactly where we are to this day except for temporary exiles from time to time.(Psalm 78:67-70)

Ben Masada

New member
Messiah ben Joseph versus Messiah ben David

Son of Masada,

Would this theological position be considered typical within modern Judaism?

It seems to me to disagree with the rest of the Scriptures, which state in no uncertain terms that Israel was carried away by the Assyrian due to her own sins.

I don't think so because not every one enjoys the same enlightenment as a result of Yahweh's revelation. HaShem iodea how long it took me to squeeze the Torah and the Prophets to come out with this golden piece of enlightenment.


New member
Yes, Jamie, Israel was sinless of the sins of Judah. Israel had to go qua Scapegoat not because of his sins but because of the sins of Judah.

There would be no point in sacrificing one group of sinners for a different group of sinners.

Your premise is absurd.

Ben Masada

New member
Messiah ben Joseph versus Messiah ben David

There would be no point in sacrificing one group of sinners for a different group of sinners.

Your premise is absurd.

Because your opinion is tainted with Christian preconceived notions. Israel, like the Scapegoat was not sacrificed to death but Divinely rejected so that Judah remained as a People before the Lord forever. That's what happened in Psalm 78:67-70.