Merrick Garland's failure to find white terrorists has sparked a rash fake racist crimes


Well-known member
Democrats have to invent white hate crimes against blacks because Garland and his army of white terrorist witch hunters are simply coming up with little evidence to support their outlandish claims that white racist terrorism is the greatest threat to our country. Garland should peel off a few thousand of his witch-hunting agents to try to tamp down the rash of lawless blacks falsely pretending to be white racists communicating threats against blacks. How many of these Jusse Smollett-style liars are we going to have to deal with before our justice department starts dragging them into court for wickedly fomenting racial division in our neighborhoods?

A Georgia neighborhood was terrorized by a person claiming to be a white male member of the Ku Klux Klan. However, police now say that the person making racially motivated threats to burn down houses in the neighborhood and kill people is actually a black woman.

This is the second hate hoax incident near Atlanta to garner national headlines in as many weeks.

Last week, a black former Emory University employee was arrested and suspected of writing the N-word and drawing swastikas on the university's autism center.

Another race hate hoax was exposed this week in Missouri, where racist graffiti was painted in a high school bathroom that ignited a student walkout. However, the school district revealed that the culprit was a black student.

In May, a "person of color" created an Instagram account that spewed hateful, racist messages. The incendiary posts sparked a school walkout in Minnesota, but later was revealed to be "a hoax sent under false pretense."

In April, racist and anti-Semitic graffiti featuring references to the Klu Klux Klan was found at Michigan's Albion College, which prompted students and staff members to walk out of the school. The perpetrator, who is black, admitted to writing the racist messages.


Well-known member
Just an example of market forces at work.

Clearly the demand for racist incidents exceeded the supply.
Magoo Merrick cannot find any black against white violence because he is not looking for those kinds of prevalent crimes. He is looking for the rare white supremacist violence that he is desperate to prove is the greatest threat to the US. Merrick Magoo is blind and ignorant and unqualified to serve in the position the demented Biden put him in.


Well-known member
Democrats have to invent white hate crimes against blacks because Garland and his army of white terrorist witch hunters are simply coming up with little evidence to support their outlandish claims that white racist terrorism is the greatest threat to our country. Garland should peel off a few thousand of his witch-hunting agents to try to tamp down the rash of lawless blacks falsely pretending to be white racists communicating threats against blacks. How many of these Jusse Smollett-style liars are we going to have to deal with before our justice department starts dragging them into court for wickedly fomenting racial division in our neighborhoods?

A Georgia neighborhood was terrorized by a person claiming to be a white male member of the Ku Klux Klan. However, police now say that the person making racially motivated threats to burn down houses in the neighborhood and kill people is actually a black woman.

This is the second hate hoax incident near Atlanta to garner national headlines in as many weeks.

Last week, a black former Emory University employee was arrested and suspected of writing the N-word and drawing swastikas on the university's autism center.

Another race hate hoax was exposed this week in Missouri, where racist graffiti was painted in a high school bathroom that ignited a student walkout. However, the school district revealed that the culprit was a black student.

In May, a "person of color" created an Instagram account that spewed hateful, racist messages. The incendiary posts sparked a school walkout in Minnesota, but later was revealed to be "a hoax sent under false pretense."

In April, racist and anti-Semitic graffiti featuring references to the Klu Klux Klan was found at Michigan's Albion College, which prompted students and staff members to walk out of the school. The perpetrator, who is black, admitted to writing the racist messages.
More bad news for America and for democrat cultist Merrick Garland. A gunman opened fire on federal agents on a train and the suspect was Hispanic, not white.

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - One DEA agent was killed while another was injured along with an officer from the Tucson Police Department in a shooting at the Amtrak train station in the downtown area early Monday, Oct. 4.

Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus said the shooting suspect was found dead on the train and a second suspect was taken into custody.

Magnus said it started around 8 a.m. when the Counter Narcotics Alliance boarded the train to do a routine check for money, drugs and firearms.

He said CNA made contact with two individuals on the second level of the double-decker train. One suspect was taken into custody while the second, a Hispanic male in his 20s or 30s, pulled out a handgun and started shooting.


Well-known member
More bad news for America and for democrat cultist Merrick Garland. A gunman opened fire on federal agents on a train and the suspect was Hispanic, not white.

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - One DEA agent was killed while another was injured along with an officer from the Tucson Police Department in a shooting at the Amtrak train station in the downtown area early Monday, Oct. 4.

Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus said the shooting suspect was found dead on the train and a second suspect was taken into custody.

Magnus said it started around 8 a.m. when the Counter Narcotics Alliance boarded the train to do a routine check for money, drugs and firearms.

He said CNA made contact with two individuals on the second level of the double-decker train. One suspect was taken into custody while the second, a Hispanic male in his 20s or 30s, pulled out a handgun and started shooting.
Jussie Smollett proved millions of Americans are as stupid as stumps and will believe any lying leftist fake claim of white racism they can invent.

Smollett’s hate-hoax fairy tale did expose how gullible Americans can be when you yell ‘racism.’

NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLESpare a thought for Jussie Smollett’s lawyers. Think of them being much like infantrymen who walk through fire on the way to glory, except they’ve been slogging through a mire of bulls*** on their way to absurdity. While wearing flip-flops. Their field commander is an insistently moronic fraud. The Iwo Jima flag they struggle to raise is the reputation of a dim actor who thought he would raise his profile by telling the world that he was attacked by the world’s least likely lynch mob — a duo of black MAGA-heads who just happened to have bleach and a noose on them in case Jussie Smollett should walk by. At two o’clock in the morning. On an exceptionally cold Chicago night. Then walked away after 30 seconds without robbing their victim or doing him more than superficial harm.



Well-known member
America is quickly becoming a dangerous place in which to live as Magoo Merick Garland ignores black terrorism while searching the Facebook pages of white parents looking for some excuse to arrest them for objecting to leftist public school policies. Major US cities are beginning to look like 3rd world country war zones with black gang violence and leftist prosecutors and city officials obstructing efforts by law enforcement officers to fight crime and violence nationwide.

"My advice to anybody considering coming to Los Angeles [...] is 'Don't.'

"We can't guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control [...] It's like that movie 'Purge' [sic]. Instead of 24 hours to commit your crime, these bad people have 365 days to commit whatever they want."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From my old neck of the woods

Here we go again: Racist note in school restroom — which led to campus protest — reportedly written by student of color

March 21, 2022

Yet another racist note was discovered in a school earlier this month — this time in a restroom in Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women in upstate New York, a private, all-girls Catholic school serving students in grades 6 through 12.

And yet again, a student of color reportedly wrote the racist sentiment — which included the N-word

I used to work with the author in an inner city school

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
months later, a New Jersey man who had vandalized synagogues and distributed neo-Nazi pamphlets strangled his wife.

On the surface, the crimes would appear to have little more in common than their brutality. But the Anti-Defamation League includes these murders by white men of other whites in its tally of right-wing and white supremacist murders in its report, “Murder & Extremism in the United States in 2021.”


Gary K

New member
This entire thread is another example of how government manipulates public opinion.

The Uvalde massacre story was actually reported days before it happened by a couple of "news" organization and two different men claim to be the father of the same girl. And one set of parents, and I say that advisedly, couldn't say what grade their "daughter' was in.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This entire thread is another example of how government manipulates public opinion.

The Uvalde massacre story was actually reported days before it happened by a couple of "news" organization and two different men claim to be the father of the same girl. And one set of parents, and I say that advisedly, couldn't say what grade their "daughter' was in.
You are cuckoo for cocoa puffs and so is @ok doser for giving that insanity a thumbs up.


Well-known member
You are cuckoo for cocoa puffs and so is @ok doser for giving that insanity a thumbs up.
The bottom line is the fact that black murderers are being underreported and white murderers are being overblown by leftist hype in their intent to portray conservative white Christian Americans as the greatest terror threat this nation faces.


White Supremacists Are The Biggest Domestic Terrorism Threat, Top Biden Officials Say​
