McCabe: Further criminal indictments?

Gary K

New member
Is McCabe in for even greater legal problems?

To read the rest of the article from which the following excerpt was taken go to:

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is now facing possible criminal charges for lying under oath about leaks he made to The Wall Street Journal in 2016, in an effort to salvage his reputation and give his account to journalists who were questioning whether he gave a “stand-down” order to FBI agents investigating the Clinton Foundation.Multiple former FBI officials, along with a Congressional official, say that while there may have been internal squabbling over the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation at the time, there was allegedly another “stand-down” order by McCabe regarding the opening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email for official government business.
McCabe’s stand-down order regarding Clinton’s private email use happened after The New York Times first reported Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules in March 2015 and before the official investigation was requested by the Justice Department toward the end of July 2015.

After The New York Times publication, the FBI Washington Field Office began investigating Clinton’s use of private emails and whether she was using her personal email account to transmit classified information. According to sources, McCabe was overseas when he became aware of the investigation and sent electronic communications voicing his displeasure with the agents.

“McCabe tried to steer people off the private email investigation and that appears to be obstruction and should be investigated,” said one former FBI official with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the investigation. “Now if the information on the ‘stand-down’ order is obtained by the IG that could bring a whole lot of other troubles to McCabe.”


New member
Is McCabe in for even greater legal problems?

To read the rest of the article from which the following excerpt was taken go to:

"Further"? He hasn't been indicted on a single thing so far. The DOJ's IG has issued a referral for charges to be considered. That's far from a done deal.

Meanwhile, McCabe is suing the DOJ for defamation and wrongful termination. This will all get sorted out in court before it's all done.


Well-known member
"Further"? He hasn't been indicted on a single thing so far. The DOJ's IG has issued a referral for charges to be considered. That's far from a done deal.

Meanwhile, McCabe is suing the DOJ for defamation and wrongful termination. This will all get sorted out in court before it's all done.

McCabe will flip.....on Comey and Linch. IMHO


New member
That would be nice.

Andrew McCabe worked 20 years at the Justice Department. He investigated organized crime in the former Soviet Union. He investigated the Boston Marathon bombing. He arrested at least one suspect in the Benghazi attack, which at one point was more than just a term Republicans used to attack Hillary Clinton. His service to this country is long, and until he wouldn't bend like a willow to Trumpian policial pressure, quite distinguished. It's shameful what this country is doing to him.

Republicans are so radicalized now that they don't believe in the concept of non-partisanship.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Andrew McCabe worked 20 years at the Justice Department. He investigated organized crime in the former Soviet Union. He investigated the Boston Marathon bombing. He arrested at least one suspect in the Benghazi attack, which at one point was more than just a term Republicans used to attack Hillary Clinton. His service to this country is long, and until he wouldn't bend like a willow to Trumpian policial pressure, quite distinguished. It's shameful what this country is doing to him.

Republicans are so radicalized now that they don't believe in the concept of non-partisanship.

It's a shame that McCabe became corrupted at some point.