Maryland church ordered to evict homeless or pay $12,000 fine


[Maryland church ordered to evict homeless or pay $12,000 fine |] "When Rev. Katie Grover arrived on a recent morning at Patapsco United Methodist Church, one of two congregations she pastors in the Baltimore area, she was surprised to find a $12,000 citation attached to the door.

According to the citation, the church, located on a busy street in Dundalk, Md., had violated a county regulation that prohibits “non-permitted rooming and boarding” houses by allowing homeless individuals to sleep on church grounds. Patapsco UMC failed “to cease exterior use of property as housing units,” read the inspector’s comments. “People still living in rear of property under tarped area.”

Now the church has to decide by Sunday, Dec. 18, whether to evict homeless individuals from its grounds or pay a $12,000 county fine that would severely strain the small congregation’s lean budget..." Full text: Maryland church ordered to evict homeless or pay $12,000 fine Mt 25:34-46


I just can't believe that the neighbors of the good Church don't like a bunch of junkies leaving their needles,syringes and human waste in their yards.

Thank goodness for zoning laws.


No debate? Come on, you can tell us why a Church should be able to house people who are drug addicts, thieves and pedophiles against the wishes of it's neighbors.

Placing arbitrary labels on the homeless there doesn't make your case.

You should try being homeless for a while. It may make you a human being :wave2:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No debate? Come on, you can tell us why a Church should be able to house people who are drug addicts, thieves and pedophiles against the wishes of it's neighbors.

Placing arbitrary labels on the homeless their doesn't make your case.

Again: No debate? Come on, you can tell us why a Church should be able to house people who are drug addicts, thieves and pedophiles against the wishes of it's neighbors.

You should try being homeless for a while. It may make you a human being :wave2:

I would but I'm too busy at work cleaning up their dirty blood filled hypodermic needles and syringes, their human waste and washing the blood off of the walls that they spray their HIV/AIDS tainted blood on.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No debate? Come on, you can tell us why a Church should be able to house people who are drug addicts, thieves and pedophiles against the wishes of it's neighbors.

"Against the wishes of it's neighbors"
To be clear: the homeless- not criminals and pedophiles you are trying to insert in there.

Who cares, they don't care about anyone so why should anyone care about them? I was on the street and often found myself in the county when Richmond was booked up.
I know what it is for these so called upstanding people to not care, throw shade, spread rumors- a lot of them are just Hell bound hypocrites.
My debate is simple- they are vain people who only believe in God because they think they will live forever if they do. You can blame your 'easy believist' cult for that.
They can reap what they sow.


"Against the wishes of it's neighbors"
To be clear: the homeless- not criminals and pedophiles you are trying to insert in there.

“I want them moved out of here,” Charles Bartko, who lives next to the church, recently told Fox Baltimore. Bartko says one reason he called the county to complain about the homeless was because they “poured urine on his tree,” killing it. Grover says she understands these concerns, adding that her congregation also does not want people urinating in their garden. In fact, Kobler says sanitation was one of the reasons the county pursued the citation, noting that the nightly presence of the homeless created “continuously unsanitary conditions in a residential area.”

Who cares, they don't care about anyone so why should anyone care about them?

Obviously you don't care about these downtrodden human beings simply because you take great pleasure in seeing other peoples' miseries.

I was on the street and often found myself in the county when Richmond was booked up.
I know what it is for these so called upstanding people to not care, throw shade, spread rumors- a lot of them are just Hell bound hypocrites.

I'm aware of the hell that went through as a child, thus turning you into the monster that you've become. The current secular humanist system is broken, it's in dire need of repair, but won't be "fixed" by morally confused people like you or liberal churches who think compassion is allowing a tent city on their property.


“I want them moved out of here,” Charles Bartko, who lives next to the church, recently told Fox Baltimore. Bartko says one reason he called the county to complain about the homeless was because they “poured urine on his tree,” killing it. Grover says she understands these concerns, adding that her congregation also does not want people urinating in their garden. In fact, Kobler says sanitation was one of the reasons the county pursued the citation, noting that the nightly presence of the homeless created “continuously unsanitary conditions in a residential area.”

Oh me, oh my, a homeless person had to urinate and, like any person who has no access to a toilet, uses a tree.
You make it sound like they were throwing feces at their doorstep :AMR:

The thing is,
the guy you are quoting is a jerk. This is how these things usually come to be, the same as police confiscating blankets from the homeless in below freezing temperatures.

Obviously you don't care about these downtrodden human beings

They aren't downtrodden. It's as easy as telling them to mind the property, bro- that's it. Stop defending pettiness, those type of people simply shame the homeless. That's their MO.


Oh me, oh my, a homeless person had to urinate and, like any person who has no access to a toilet, uses a tree.
You make it sound like they were throwing feces at their doorstep :AMR:

To my knowledge, a few ounces of urine won't kill a tree...

The thing is,
the guy you are quoting is a jerk. This is how these things usually come to be, the same as police confiscating blankets from the homeless in below freezing temperatures.

He is a property owner that has rights, and a liberal church doesn't supersede those property rights by letting transients (I refuse to use the word "homeless" because it cries of victimhood)turn the neighborhood into a tent city.

On that note: Think of the good that you could do if you shared your life story, particularly the innocent youth years that weren't so innocent for you that turned you into the morally depraved monster that you've become.

Seriously, give it some thought, you might help others as well as helping yourself.

Here, get a glimpse of what a 3rd world country looks like: (Seattle, WA, aka Sodomy and Gonorrhea North).



According to the citation, the church, located on a busy street in Dundalk, Md., had violated a county regulation that prohibits “non-permitted rooming and boarding” houses by allowing homeless individuals to sleep on church grounds. Patapsco UMC failed “to cease exterior use of property as housing units,” read the inspector’s comments. “People still living in rear of property under tarped area.”

Get a permit and open the church to them. What a novel idea. :idea:


To my knowledge, a few ounces of urine won't kill a tree...

In dog parks, you will come across trees marked for owners to keep their pets away from because urine is acidic and eats into the wood.

You liken homeless people to animals, simply put.
The guy is a jerk- he made an exaggeration to shove his self-righteousness in everyone's face, bothering authorities to bother people who are just trying to live.

I've seen it happen before, and it's nasty- these people are not typically 'victims', they are just hateful people who shame those they think they are better than.
Stop defending petty, shallow people :wave2:


New member
"Non-permitted" which means "pay us then you can do it." That seems to be what the government does. It levies as many taxes, fees, permit costs, and then inflation on top if it, to squeeze every penny they can from the public.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

To my knowledge, a few ounces of urine won't kill a tree...

In dog parks, you will come across trees marked for owners to keep their pets away from because urine is acidic and eats into the wood.

Surely you're not suggesting that the congregants of the liberal Maryland church put a collar and leash on the junkies to keep them from urinating and defecating on nearby neighbors property?

You liken homeless people to animals, simply put.

Please don't belittle the animal kingdom by comparing them to junkies.