Marxist Left May Believe the Bill of Rights Is White Supremacist and Racist


New member
Marxist Left May Believe the Bill of Rights Is White Supremacist and Racist

Historian Quentin Skinner in The Foundations of Modern Political
Thought, 1978, goes over the influence of several Scotch
and English Christians, such as John Knox and Samuel Rutherford, on John
Locke and the late 18th century American political ideology behind the creation of the Constitutional Republic.

John Locke's book, Two Treatises of Government, according to Skinner, influenced Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and had an influence on James Madison and other Founding Fathers.

Isaiah 10: 1-2: "Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed. To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right of the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless."

There are some other verses in the Old Testament about the right of the people.

John Knox and Samuel Rutherford in Scotland, created, from scripture, a view that supported the right of the common people to oppose a totalitarian government, which does not respect the rights of the people. These ideas
of Knox and Rutherford were secularized by John Locke and
Thomas Jefferson made them into the Declaration of Independence, one of
our founding documents which does briefly state a political ideology.

But now in 2017, Political Correctness, which comes out of the Marxism of the Frankfurt School, makes use of the manipulation of the people by race, gender and other stereotypes. The Marxist Left in 2017 is trying to discredit the patriot and populist movement by associating it with white supremacy and racism.

In the use of race stereotypes, for example,to manipulate attitudes and behavior, leftist political correctness makes salient - outanding in public perception - a one dimensional, simplified dialectic or opposition of two extreme positions, and tries to ignore the complexity of several other issues that go along with the race issue. Social psychologist Clinton De Soto's predilection for single orderings (1961) concept can be used to help understand what is going on in this over-simplified dialectic.

The concept of predilection for single orderings and its support in empirical data shows that many people are unable to deal with a complex set of oppositions. For example, Black Slavery Is Good versus All Slavery is Bad is a single ordering, that most people can understand.

But if people have to deal with a set of oppositions that are more complex than such a single ordering many people cannot deal with that.

Marxist Left Political correctness is trying to use racism to help manipulate the people to accept an ideology which begins to oppose parts of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791, after being created by James Madison and his Committee in the House. If the Left is successful in defeating a part of the Bill of Rights, then it will go on to try and defeat more of the rights of the Constitutional Amendments

Racism would not work at all to defeat the Bill of Rights unless another concept of social psychology was in operation. This is making talking points within arguments of the Marxist Left in its use of the dialectic salient by the mainstream media which otherwise would not stand out in the public's awareness. What stands out in the public's awareness - and not what is reality - is what counts in 2017.

The fact that the public approval ratings of the mainstream media are low and that many people are aware of the "Fake News" of the mainstream media may not allow the Marxist Left to be successful in associating white supremacy and racism with support for the Individual Rights within Madison's Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights includes Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition, the Right to keep and bear arms, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double jeopardy, Rights of accused persons, right to a speedy trial, Right of trial by jury in civil cases, Freedom from excessive bail, protection from cruel and unusual punishments. and powers reserved to the states.

Supreme Court decisions have made more explicit the right to due process in the 5th and 14th Amendments. The 5th Amendment states that “…no person shall …be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Supreme Court decisions have established a procedural and a substantive right to due process.

The right to due process has been made explicit in the doctrine that the law itself must be written in such a way that a defendant can defend himself against a charge brought under a law that is too vague or only describes a subjective feeling of being wronged. The law itself must be written in an explicit and clear way so that in criminal cases an objective type of action becomes the focus of guilt or innocence, and not just a subjective feeling of having been wronged.

To the extent that government, media, education,religion, etc is taken over by a faction making use of a totalitarian ideology, all of these specific individual rights can be threatened. And so in Isaiah 10: 1-2 "the right of the poor of my people" is taken away. The rights of people come from God.

The right to use the specific individual rights of the Bill of Rights in court cases must also be allowed, so that judges cannot rule in a trial, such as in the current federal cases against the Bundys and their supporters, that Second Amendment rights cannot be used as a defense, when those rights are relevant in a case. In these cases, it should be up to the jury to decide if the defendants had a Second Amendment right, not the judge.

patrick jane

Marxist Left May Believe the Bill of Rights Is White Supremacist and Racist

Historian Quentin Skinner in The Foundations of Modern Political
Thought, 1978, goes over the influence of several Scotch
and English Christians, such as John Knox and Samuel Rutherford, on John
Locke and the late 18th century American political ideology behind the creation of the Constitutional Republic.

John Locke's book, Two Treatises of Government, according to Skinner, influenced Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and had an influence on James Madison and other Founding Fathers.

Isaiah 10: 1-2: "Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed. To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right of the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless."

There are some other verses in the Old Testament about the right of the people.

John Knox and Samuel Rutherford in Scotland, created, from scripture, a view that supported the right of the common people to oppose a totalitarian government, which does not respect the rights of the people. These ideas
of Knox and Rutherford were secularized by John Locke and
Thomas Jefferson made them into the Declaration of Independence, one of
our founding documents which does briefly state a political ideology.

But now in 2017, Political Correctness, which comes out of the Marxism of the Frankfurt School, makes use of the manipulation of the people by race, gender and other stereotypes. The Marxist Left in 2017 is trying to discredit the patriot and populist movement by associating it with white supremacy and racism.

In the use of race stereotypes, for example,to manipulate attitudes and behavior, leftist political correctness makes salient - outanding in public perception - a one dimensional, simplified dialectic or opposition of two extreme positions, and tries to ignore the complexity of several other issues that go along with the race issue. Social psychologist Clinton De Soto's predilection for single orderings (1961) concept can be used to help understand what is going on in this over-simplified dialectic.

The concept of predilection for single orderings and its support in empirical data shows that many people are unable to deal with a complex set of oppositions. For example, Black Slavery Is Good versus All Slavery is Bad is a single ordering, that most people can understand.

But if people have to deal with a set of oppositions that are more complex than such a single ordering many people cannot deal with that.

Marxist Left Political correctness is trying to use racism to help manipulate the people to accept an ideology which begins to oppose parts of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791, after being created by James Madison and his Committee in the House. If the Left is successful in defeating a part of the Bill of Rights, then it will go on to try and defeat more of the rights of the Constitutional Amendments

Racism would not work at all to defeat the Bill of Rights unless another concept of social psychology was in operation. This is making talking points within arguments of the Marxist Left in its use of the dialectic salient by the mainstream media which otherwise would not stand out in the public's awareness. What stands out in the public's awareness - and not what is reality - is what counts in 2017.

The fact that the public approval ratings of the mainstream media are low and that many people are aware of the "Fake News" of the mainstream media may not allow the Marxist Left to be successful in associating white supremacy and racism with support for the Individual Rights within Madison's Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights includes Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition, the Right to keep and bear arms, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double jeopardy, Rights of accused persons, right to a speedy trial, Right of trial by jury in civil cases, Freedom from excessive bail, protection from cruel and unusual punishments. and powers reserved to the states.

Supreme Court decisions have made more explicit the right to due process in the 5th and 14th Amendments. The 5th Amendment states that “…no person shall …be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Supreme Court decisions have established a procedural and a substantive right to due process.

The right to due process has been made explicit in the doctrine that the law itself must be written in such a way that a defendant can defend himself against a charge brought under a law that is too vague or only describes a subjective feeling of being wronged. The law itself must be written in an explicit and clear way so that in criminal cases an objective type of action becomes the focus of guilt or innocence, and not just a subjective feeling of having been wronged.

To the extent that government, media, education,religion, etc is taken over by a faction making use of a totalitarian ideology, all of these specific individual rights can be threatened. And so in Isaiah 10: 1-2 "the right of the poor of my people" is taken away. The rights of people come from God.

The right to use the specific individual rights of the Bill of Rights in court cases must also be allowed, so that judges cannot rule in a trial, such as in the current federal cases against the Bundys and their supporters, that Second Amendment rights cannot be used as a defense, when those rights are relevant in a case. In these cases, it should be up to the jury to decide if the defendants had a Second Amendment right, not the judge.
Good post, displaying part of the problem with the left.


New member
Since the Frankfurt School began they have always used the dialectic between Marxism, which is a word they do not mention, and Fascism, which is "the extreme Right."

There are limitations on the First Amendment, for example, it is against federal law to advocate the killing of a President.

"Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871.[1][2][3][4] It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States". This also includes presidential candidates and former Presidents. The United States Secret Service investigates suspected violations of this law and monitors those who have a history of threatening the President. Threatening the President is considered a political offense.[5] Immigrants who commit this crime can be deported."

Advocating violence against anyone because of his or her political ideology could also be a criminal offense, and a limitation upon the first amendment rights of the contemporary Marxist Left, who do not call themselves that, and many of them do not know what Marxism is.

On the President being able to sue some of the media for telling lies about him, the libel law requires that the one who brings the lawsuit can prove a lie has been said about the President. I would not be for such a change in the First Amendment because it could be misused, and used to discourage any criticism of the President by the media.

And, in fact, those loyal to the President would want to be able to make specific criticisms of some of his policies or actions. Thats the way a Constitutional Republic works.

Yet the constant repetition by the Leftist media of charges against a president for which there is no evidence has to be dealt with in some way not only by the media loyal to him but also by the president himself. Our system of checks and balances would say that Congressional Committees be set up to investigate and call to testify in Congress individuals in the media who persist in telling lies against a President. But criminal investigations would be restricted to actions against a President for which existing federal laws now exist. In order words, a President and his supporters ought to be able to discredit the media for repetition of charges not able to be proven true.
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The Barbarian

Yet the constant repetition by the Leftist media of charges against a president for which there is no evidence has to be dealt with in some way not only by the media loyal to him but also by the president himself.

Obama won two elections handily, in spite of all sorts of lies and fake charges. He was successful in many of his objectives, and most Americans hold him in high regard. Obama alternately ignored or ridiculed the fools who peddled all those weird stories, including the media that carried them. Here's a clip where he pokes a little fun at some clown who made up a story about him not being born in the United States:

Our system of checks and balances would say that Congressional Committees be set up to investigate and call to testify in Congress individuals in the media who persist in telling lies against a President.

You could call it the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.

In order words, a President and his supporters ought to be able to discredit the media for repetition of charges not able to be proven true.

Obama did that handily, without an act of Congress.

But then, in his case, they were mostly lies. Trump is having more trouble, because the stories about him are mostly true.

Makes it harder to debunk them, I think.


New member
As pointed out before, there's not a whole lot of difference in the way Marxists and the extreme right detest the Bill of Rights.

Priebus: Trump Considering Amending or Abolishing 1st Amendment

He's probably become aware of who controls the media...

Notice when TIME Magazine named Pope Francis their "person of the year" for 2013, all of the major media corporations chimed in to praise the decision. This is the same mainstream media known for mocking and attacking Christianity, yet they show immense respect and adoration for the pope and the Catholic hierarchy.

Have you ever wondered why the Illuminati owned and controlled media glorify promiscuity, homosexuality, pornography, murder and violence, yet mock and attack Christianity—almost always depicting Christians in a negative light? It will start to make sense to you when you realize that most of the top executives who control the mainstream media are Jesuit-trained alumni and members of Catholic orders. They are the Vatican's propaganda ministers.

Let's look at the following list compiled in 2009:

#1: Time Warner

The owner is Jeff Bewkes. Until recently, the head was Richard Parsons, an associate of the Rockefellers, who are Papal Cohorts of the Jesuits.

#2: The Walt Disney Company

The man in charge is Robert Iger, but Director Emeritus is Roy Disney, who is a Papal Knight in the Roman Catholic Order of St. Gregory the Great. Also notable is the fact that since 1996, a man named Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J. has been on the board of the company. O'Donovan is a Jesuit priest and the former President of Georgetown University.

#3: Viacom

The man in charge of Viacom is Sumner Rothstein, who is trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University; another Jesuit-trained Zionist. Viacom's Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Thomas E. Dooley, is Roman Catholic, trained at the devoutly Roman Catholic St. John's University.

#4: News Corp & 21st Century Fox

Rupert Murdoch is a Knight of Malta, a Knight of St Gregory the Great, and a Knight of the Equestrian Order. He is the founder, Chairman and CEO of global media holding company News Corporation, the world's second-largest media conglomerate, and its successors News Corp and 21st Century Fox after the conglomerate split. He also owns several mainstream newspapers in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Jose Maria Aznar, the former President of Spain and a staunch Roman Catholic, is a director of News Corp. Another director of News Corp is Viet Dinh, the Roman Catholic law professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University who was the chief architect of the Patriot Act.

#5: CBS Corporation

CBS is owned by Viacom, which we've already covered. One of the directors of CBS Corporation, Joseph A. Califano, Jr., is a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts. Califano is a Papal Knight of Malta. Another of their directors, Charles K. Gifford, is Chairman Emeritus of the Bank of America, which is 51% owned by the Jesuits and was founded by a Knight of Malta (A.P. Gianni). Another director is Robert D. Walter, who is Roman Catholic.

#6: Cox Enterprises

Cox Enterprises' founder was a supporter of the League of Nations and a supporter of Jesuit coadjutor Woodrow Wilson.

#7: NBC Universal

NBC Universal's president is Jeff Zucker, and it's Vice Chairman, Bob Wright, is a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at the College of the Holy Cross. NBC Universal has close ties to the Blackstone Group, which is run by Peter G. Peterson, whose wife has been honored at a number of Jesuit universities, and Stephen Schwarzman, a member of the Papal Skull & Bones Society and a close friend of Cardinal Egan.

#8: Gannett

A major director at Gannet is Louis Boccardi, a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at Fordham University, the Jesuit university of New York (The Papal Capitol of the USA).

#9: Clear Channel

Clear Channel is owned by Bain Capitol. The Vice President of Bain Capitol is Lisa Claussen, a Roman Catholic woman who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College. The Chief Financial Officer of Bain Capitol is Jay Corrigan, a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at Fordham University. The Managing Director of Bain Capitol is Dewey Awad, a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. The Executive Vice President of Bain Capitol, Patrick Lebreton, is a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. Another executive at Bain is Phillip Carter, a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College. Another executive at Bain is Amit Chandra, a Roman Catholic man who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College. Another executive at Bain is Susan Levine, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.

#10: McGraw-Hills Companies

Robert J. Bahash, the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, is Roman Catholic, trained at the Roman Catholic Mount St. Mary's University.

#11: Hearst Corporation

Hearst is run by the Knights of Malta, a Vatican military order that has been called 'the Pope's militia' since its founding. It was founded by William Randolph Hearst, a Knight of Malta. The Nationwide Head of The Hearst Newspaper Group and the Vice President of the Hearst Corporation is Bob Danzig, a Knight of Malta. A director of Hearst Corporation and Executive Vice President of Hearst Magazines is Raymond J. Petersen, a Knight of Malta.

#12: The Washington Post Company

The Washington Post Company is run by Donald E. Graham, a member of the Jesuit/Vatican-controlled Bilderberg Group, which was founded by Joseph Retinger, a Jesuit priest and Knight of Malta, and Prince Bernhard, a Knight of Malta. The Senior Vice President of The Washington Company is Veronica Dillon, a Roman Catholic woman who was Jesuit-trained at Fordham University. A director, Anne M. Mulcahy, is a Roman Catholic woman, trained at a Jesuit-run Roman Catholic college.

#13: The New York Times Company

The Vice President and Assistant Controller of the NY Times Company is Vincenzo DiMaggio, a Roman Catholic man.

#14: E.W. Scripps Company

The Vice President of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations is Timothy A. King, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown College. The Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer is Mary Denise Kuprionis, a member of the board of trustees of a private Roman Catholic college (College of Mount St. Joseph). E. John Wolfzorn, the Treasurer for E.W. Scripps, is Roman Catholic.

#15: Thomson Reuters

Reuters (like most media) is controlled by the Papacy's CFR. Further, the CFR is controlled by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), which is controlled by the Vatican's Club of Rome.

#16: Freedom Communications

A major director at Freedman Communications is Raymond C. H. Bryan, who was Jesuit-trained at Fordham University.

#17: A&E Television Networks

A&E is owned by Hearst, which we've already seen is run by the Vatican's Knights of Malta.

Jesuit Control of the Entertainment Industry

Have you ever wondered why Illuminati puppets in the music industry, whose lyrics promote promiscuity, materialism, foul language, drug use, criminality and violence, wear crosses and use the all-seeing eye symbol?

They are Jesuit coadjutors working for the Vatican. They are promised fortune and fame in exchange for helping to tear down traditional moral constructs in order to socially re-engineer humanity for the establishment of a Luciferian New World Order. Their job is to help the Jesuits collapse America from within by destroying the family unit and morally corrupting the youth. They influence the youth to oppose Bible-based morality by making everything that is anti-Biblical appear "cool" and "progressive." All of the Jesuit agents in the music industry wear crosses and use Catholic symbolism to show their allegiance to the Jesuit Order, not because they are Christians.



New member
Very recently some in the Populist-Patriot media are talking about the contemporary Left as being like the Weather Underground which came out of the SDS in the sixties and seventies and that the Left, or a part of it, is clearly Communist. They are saying that the Left ideology is coming out of the teachings of Saul Alinsky, who was Obama's mentor. The Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxist leads to Communism too, but this type of Marxism said the culture has to be changed before Communism can be brought in.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
As pointed out before, there's not a whole lot of difference in the way Marxists and the extreme right detest the Bill of Rights.

Priebus: Trump Considering Amending or Abolishing 1st Amendment

He's probably become aware of who controls the media...

No one can control the media now. Too many different sources. Yes, Trump has a number of media outlets like Breitbart, Fox, and National Enquirer that either lean his way or are completely devoted to him.

But there are also media which are not under his control.

The problem is that too many people only watch media that tend to reinforce their own views. Such people are easy prey.

(Catholic conspiracy stuff)

Um, yeah, that's always part of the paranoia. But in fact, there are probably as many right-wing Catholic sources as left-wing ones.

The Barbarian

patrick jane writes:
Quote Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
As pointed out before, there's not a whole lot of difference in the way Marxists and the extreme left detest the Bill of Rights.

So it seems

I had always thought of you as honest. It's kind of a disillusionment for me to see you quote me, but change "right" to "left."

Life goes on...

The Barbarian

yes, their ultimate goal is to rid us of the constitution.

Priebus: Trump Considering Amending or Abolishing 1st Amendment
A number of press reports have picked up this exchange this morning between ABC’s Jonathan Karl and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. But people have missed the real significance. Priebus doesn’t discuss changing ‘press laws’ or ‘libel laws’. He specifically says that the White House has considered and continues to consider amending or even abolishing the 1st Amendment because of critical press coverage of President Trump.

One amendment at a time, it seems.

patrick jane

patrick jane writes:
Quote Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
As pointed out before, there's not a whole lot of difference in the way Marxists and the extreme left detest the Bill of Rights.

I had always thought of you as honest. It's kind of a disillusionment for me to see you quote me, but change "right" to "left."

Life goes on...