Marking Up the Wrong Beast

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Dread Helm said:
(I beat Jefferson!)

But where's your "best quote of the show"? :noid:


New member
IMHO, the Best Quote of the show:
The Washington Post... is reporting about a new technology... You could just take your finger and wave it over a reader that reads your fingerprint and it automatically takes the money out of your checking account. And I don't want any of my friends who have end-times angst, eschatological angst... I don't want you to worry over this. It's not the mark of the beast it's technology! If I had the opportunity... I would do it. That'd be great!

Three callers called in on this subject. The first two would not stay on topic! They had end-times angst.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Dread Helm said:
IMHO, the Best Quote of the show:

Three callers called in on this subject. The first two would not stay on topic! They had end-times angst.
Nathaniel! His calls are always fun.

(I assume you didn't mean Doug, even though he didn't stay on the topic of the mark of the Beast at all. ;))


New member
I'm blown away that Enyart is advocating this. I just can't believe it - a Christian pastor is just fine with this incremental step towards our future cashless society. The key word, Mr. Enyart, is incrementalism. This particular biometric identifier is simply a steppingstone, that can't be denied!

Concerning Nathaniel: He was right on. Bob brought up social security numbers, credit cards, etc. as red herrings. True, when credts cards etc. were introduced many Christians said it was the mark of the beast and yes, they shouldn't of done that because they lost overall credibility. But that wasn't the point. Sorry Bob. Nathaniel even called you on it. Again, the point is that credit cards, SS cards, etc. WERE steppingstones to a one day cashless society just as thumb scanning currently is. That was really shameful how Enyart evaded the question and piously remarked, "Ya know, when callers call in to BEL they need to have courage to answer the questions...". You're a hypocrite, Bob.

Concerning national ID cards: Wow, where to start. Not surprisingly Bob supports this too. Unfortunately, Bob, free societies do not have national ID cards. National ID cards are only hallmarks of totalitarian societies like Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. "Your papers PLEASE!" And Bob took the moral high road again with this caller by saying he "chickened out" and used "red herrings". Again, shameful Bob. Objective listeners can easily see this and that you used red herrings all over this show.

I'll end my tirade there. But I'll conclude by saying that you really need to study these issues more Bob (and how they tie in to the New World Order) and not be so trusting of your government. Gee, what a radical concept! The Founding Fathers warned us over and over again in their writings to not trust government and to always watch it and keep it from becoming out of control and centralized. But by your definition, I guess you would call them "paranoid" too...


drRansom said:
I'm blown away that Enyart is advocating this. I just can't believe it - a Christian pastor is just fine with this incremental step towards our future cashless society. The key word, Mr. Enyart, is incrementalism. This particular biometric identifier is simply a steppingstone, that can't be denied!

Concerning Nathaniel: He was right on. Bob brought up social security numbers, credit cards, etc. as red herrings. True, when credts cards etc. were introduced many Christians said it was the mark of the beast and yes, they shouldn't of done that because they lost overall credibility. But that wasn't the point. Sorry Bob. Nathaniel even called you on it. Again, the point is that credit cards, SS cards, etc. WERE steppingstones to a one day cashless society just as thumb scanning currently is. That was really shameful how Enyart evaded the question and piously remarked, "Ya know, when callers call in to BEL they need to have courage to answer the questions...". You're a hypocrite, Bob.

Concerning national ID cards: Wow, where to start. Not surprisingly Bob supports this too. Unfortunately, Bob, free societies do not have national ID cards. National ID cards are only hallmarks of totalitarian societies like Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. "Your papers PLEASE!" And Bob took the moral high road again with this caller by saying he "chickened out" and used "red herrings". Again, shameful Bob. Objective listeners can easily see this and that you used red herrings all over this show.

I'll end my tirade there. But I'll conclude by saying that you really need to study these issues more Bob (and how they tie in to the New World Order) and not be so trusting of your government. Gee, what a radical concept! The Founding Fathers warned us over and over again in their writings to not trust government and to always watch it and keep it from becoming out of control and centralized. But by your definition, I guess you would call them "paranoid" too...

I can't think of a person I know that is more untrusting of our government than Bob Enyart.


Merely Christian
It sounds like a really cool idea, until I think of criminals... I'd much rather them steal a card than steal my finger...


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drRansom said:
Again, the point is that credit cards, SS cards, etc. WERE steppingstones to a one day cashless society just as thumb scanning currently is.
So do you refuse to use credit cards and your SS card today?


New member
drRansom said:
That was really shameful how Enyart evaded the question and piously remarked, "Ya know, when callers call in to BEL they need to have courage to answer the questions...". You're a hypocrite, Bob.
Why don't you call into the show and tell this to Bob himself?


New member
The real red herring

The real red herring

drRansom said:
I'm blown away that Enyart is advocating this. I just can't believe it - a Christian pastor is just fine with this incremental step towards our future cashless society. The key word, Mr. Enyart, is incrementalism. This particular biometric identifier is simply a steppingstone, that can't be denied!

Again, the point is that credit cards, SS cards, etc. WERE steppingstones to a one day cashless society just as thumb scanning currently is. That was really shameful how Enyart evaded the question and piously remarked, "Ya know, when callers call in to BEL they need to have courage to answer the questions...". You're a hypocrite, Bob.
Again, shameful Bob. Objective listeners can easily see this and that you used red herrings all over this show.

Bob did address Nathaniele's statement. Nathaniele stated that you can see that thumb scanning technology is getting closer to the mark of the beast, and Bob said, "It doesn't matter, because technology can be used for good or for evil." Nathaniele then stated, "It's just conditioning us to take the mark Bob". Bob said, "Do you think the mark of the beast is something that's going to happen by accident? That people would be damned to hell for buying a bag of Frito's?".

No, the point here is not to fight the concept of a cashless society (where in the bible is a cashless society condemned? It says not to take the mark of the beast) and quit focussing on the latest technology that facilitates access to your bank account. The technology is irrelevant. People will take the mark of the beast because the mark will indicate total willful allegience to and worship of the beast! Bob is saying watch out before you get so up in arms over thumb scanning technology, because you can make Christians look bad by focussing on a technology that may or may not ultimately be anything about the mark, and the point is what the mark will truly represent which is a turning away from God.

So the real red herrings are when christians claim that 'the social security card is the mark' or 'credit cards are the mark' or 'don't accept the lastest technology to access your bank account'. These things distract Christians and non-Christians alike from the real issue - as Bob stated, "When people side with the anti-christ against Jesus Christ it's not because of the way they make a purchase, it's because of the state of their heart and because they're enimies of God in their hearts"

So actually, Bob addressed Nathaniele's question more than once. Bob did ask Nathaniele 6 times to respond to his question, and he would not. Apparently since you disagree with Bob's position (that the technology is irrelevant -- which also makes the incremental factor irrelevant), then you chose not to see Bob's response as valid, but only saw Nathaniele as a victim of Bob's pushing for a response. Funny how when people get frustrated at you for not following their logic, they see your lack of cooperation with their position as 'shameful' and 'hypocritical'.

Mustard Seed

New member
Can you get your finger account canceled as easily?

Can you get your finger account canceled as easily?

Nineveh said:
It sounds like a really cool idea, until I think of criminals... I'd much rather them steal a card than steal my finger...

Can you get your finger account canceled as easily?
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