Majority of Christian Preachers Misportray God


New member

Thru the teaching that people are born in sin instead of in Christ. If people are born in sin, then God did not save Adam that day he fell into sin. Instead, He just folded His hands and did NOTHING that same day to save his child from drowning in sin.

A good earthly father, upon seeing his child fall into the water, will do all in his power, even at the peril of his own life, to save his child from drowning, will he not? If an earthly father will, why would our heavenly Father not?

I believe God, through Christ, saved Adam that same day he fell into sin, and reinstated him to his pre-fall status, an act that cost God His only begotten Son, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. With Adam in Christ, all his descendants are born in Christ, instead of born in sin.

Are you among those preachers who misportray God? If Yes, then start portraying a true picture of our loving Father.


New member
I believe God, through Christ, saved Adam that same day he fell into sin, and reinstated him to his pre-fall status,

Hi Samie,

Why do you believe that God reinstated Adam to his pre-fall state the very day he fell?

Just curious as I have never heard that before.



New member
Hi Samie,

Why do you believe that God reinstated Adam to his pre-fall state the very day he fell?

Just curious as I have never heard that before.

Hi Bard;

There are a couple of Scripture-based reasons:

1. God is love (agape). It is unconscionable for a God of love to just watch His child drown in sin and allow his nature morph from good to bad. Even an earthly father, upon seeing his child fall into the water, will do all in his power, even at the peril of his own life, to save his child from drowning. If an earthly father will, why would our heavenly Father not?

2. He had the plan of salvation laid out before the beginning of time (2 Tim 1:8-10), ready for implementation when the emergency comes. The emergency came the day Adam sinned so God implemented His plan, right then and there. He sent the ambulance on the day of the emergency.

3. Scriptures call Jesus the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8) for a reason. God's saving act done for Adam was done through Christ for no other name under heaven was given for the salvation of man (Acts 4:12). Adam was saved in Christ that day he fell into sin. With Adam in Christ, all his descendants are born in Christ.

4. That people are born in Christ simply means people start out in this life NOT lost. This is in consonance with Christ's parable of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son (Luke 15:1-24). Before the sheep got lost, it was with its shepherd; before the coin was lost, it was with its owner; before the son was lost, he was with his father. So with us sinners. We start out in life NOT lost. And to be NOT lost is to be in Christ, whether one knows it or not.

5. God is the Savior of all men (1 Tim 4:10), therefore He must have saved Adam, a man. So, when did God save him? I guess it was when Adam needed salvation: on that same day he sinned.

Maybe that should suffice to start a lively discussion. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain my position.


New member
Hi Samie,

Why do you believe that God reinstated Adam to his pre-fall state the very day he fell?

Just curious as I have never heard that before.

Hi Bard;

There are a couple of Scripture-based reasons:

1. God is love (agape). It is unconscionable for a God of love to just watch His child drown in sin and allow his nature morph from good to bad. Even an earthly father, upon seeing his child fall into the water, will do all in his power, even at the peril of his own life, to save his child from drowning. If an earthly father will, why would our heavenly Father not?

2. He had the plan of salvation laid out before the beginning of time (2 Tim 1:8-10), ready for implementation when the emergency comes. The emergency came the day Adam sinned so God implemented His plan, right then and there. He sent the ambulance on the day of the emergency.

3. Scriptures call Jesus the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8) for a reason. God's saving act done for Adam was done through Christ for no other name under heaven was given for the salvation of man (Acts 4:12). Adam was saved in Christ that day he fell into sin. With Adam in Christ, all his descendants are born in Christ.

4. That people are born in Christ simply means people start out in this life NOT lost. This is in consonance with Christ's parable of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son (Luke 15:1-24). Before the sheep got lost, it was with its shepherd; before the coin was lost, it was with its owner; before the son was lost, he was with his father. So with us sinners. We start out in life NOT lost. And to be NOT lost is to be in Christ, whether one knows it or not.

5. God is the Savior of all men (1 Tim 4:10), therefore He must have saved Adam, a man. So, when did God save him? I guess it was when Adam needed salvation: on that same day he sinned.

Maybe that should suffice to start a lively discussion. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain my position.


Well-known member

Thru the teaching that people are born in sin instead of in Christ. If people are born in sin, then God did not save Adam that day he fell into sin. Instead, He just folded His hands and did NOTHING that same day to save his child from drowning in sin.

A good earthly father, upon seeing his child fall into the water, will do all in his power, even at the peril of his own life, to save his child from drowning, will he not? If an earthly father will, why would our heavenly Father not?

I believe God, through Christ, saved Adam that same day he fell into sin, and reinstated him to his pre-fall status, an act that cost God His only begotten Son, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. With Adam in Christ, all his descendants are born in Christ, instead of born in sin.

Are you among those preachers who misportray God? If Yes, then start portraying a true picture of our loving Father.

Hi, I don't really see why you believe that God saved Adam the same day that he fell into sin, and then reinstated him to his pre-fall status?

Because Adam was told that from now on he was going to have to, by the sweat of his brow, till the ground, and he was cast out of the garden with a flaming sword turning each way to protect the way of the tree of life. How is this being at his pre-fall status? When he walked in the garden with God and he was able to eat freely off all the trees including the tree of life? He was now excluded from these and cast out by God, so how do you see Adam as saved?

Just wondering how you see it?


New member
Hi, I don't really see why you believe that God saved Adam the same day that he fell into sin, and then reinstated him to his pre-fall status?

Because Adam was told that from now on he was going to have to, by the sweat of his brow, till the ground, and he was cast out of the garden with a flaming sword turning each way to protect the way of the tree of life. How is this being at his pre-fall status? When he walked in the garden with God and he was able to eat freely off all the trees including the tree of life? He was now excluded from these and cast out by God, so how do you see Adam as saved?

Just wondering how you see it?
You have a good point.

I am viewing it in another perspective, in the spiritual realm, NOT in the physical, as I have always specified in earlier threads, Adam was reinstated to his pre-fall SPIRITUAL status. In the physical realm, Adam lost his conditional immortality, driven out from Eden, and need to sweat it out to survive. But in the spiritual, he was saved in Christ that same day he sinned. This is why Scriptures call Christ the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8). But all that he lost in the physical realm will be restored when Christ comes again. He will be rewarded with immortal life, ushered to Paradise and freely eat of the tree of life, if and only if, as part of Christ's body, he lived a life in accordance with what the Head wants His Body to do: overcome evil with good. All overcomers will not be blotted out from the book of life (Rev 3:5) and will be seated with Christ in His throne, Who also is an overcomer and sat down with the Father in His throne (Rev 3:21).

Sadly, non-overcomers will be blotted out, and will have their share and reward in the lake of fire (Rev 20:15), but those not blotted out will be ushered into the heavenly portals (Rev 21:27).


New member
Deuteronomy 22:8 “When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, so that you will not bring bloodguilt on your house if anyone falls from it.

If God is concerned about people falling off of roofs why didn't he put a fence around the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
We put fences around swimming pools but God failed to protect A&E....Why?