Love Letters!!!


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Love Letters!!!
(((( John 14:3 KJV ))))!!!!

Well I guess keeping the “Scriptures Read Button”, is too costly for TOL, so we now have to print them ALL Out!!! --- Well why Not?? – ( They’re not important anyhow ) HERE????

It’s hard for me to understand why it takes so many times telling you all that (( Jesus did not DIE for YOU ))!!! – (( Jesus died for those He stood in front of )) while He lived, and Looked in the Eye, “Face to Face”, -- And NO Other!!! --- (( John 9:31 KJV )) – 31- “Now we know that God ( Heareth not sinners ): but if any man be a worshipper of God, ((( and doeth His “Will” ))), him He heareth”. --&--- (( Luke 21:32-33 KJV )) --- 32- “Verily I say unto you, (( This generation )) shall not pass away, till ((( All be fulfilled ))). 33- Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away”. --&-- (( Matthew 16:28 KJV )) --- 28- “Verily I say unto you, (( There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death )), ) till they see the Son of man coming ) in His Kingdom”. --//------- Jesus died for the “Church”, -- and His Apostles were the Foundation of the Church, His (( WIFE ))!!! ---- (( Ephesians 5:25-26 KJV )) – 25- “Husbands, love your wives , ((( even ))) as Christ ((( also ))) loved the Church, and ( Gave Himself ) for ((( IT ))); 26- That He might ((( Sanctify and Cleanse IT ))) with the washing of water by the Word” --//------ You cannot find anything that says otherwise!!! – None of you have the slightest idea what is going on in the ( Spirit )!!!!!!!
You don’t Care, or you’d Prove me WRONG, - or at least (((((( Pray and override my desires for YOU )))))). -- And my Desires shall not be put away!!!!!! – Read that TOOOO!!!!

Everything that is written in the New Testament, WAS Written – “TO THE CHURCH” His WIFE. – ((( The New Testament is written TO THE Church, Not TO YOU, or the Lost )))!!!! –

Those Were ((( “LOVE” LETTERS ))) To Jesus’ WIFE from Heaven by Christ, (( NOT FROM Your “IMPOSTERS” ))!!!!!!!!!!!! – They are not TO YOU!!!!!!!!
(( Prove Me Wrong )) in this, or stay “Hidden” like the “Cowards” you are!!!!

Jesus does not, - nor did not even know the lost, or you, before the lost enters into the Church. --- (( Matthew 7:22-23 KJV – 22- “Many will say to me in (( That Day )), Lord, Lord, have We not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23- And then will I profess unto them, ((( I never knew you ))): depart from me, (( ye that work iniquity ))”. --//----- You cannot put yourself in the Church, and You can’t even Know how the Lost gets there when You and the Lost are blind and in the DARK!!!!! - One must be (( Guided )) to the Door, before he can be ( (( Guided )) in “through” the “DOOR”. – The Blind can’t DO IT HIMSELF!!!!!!! – Read the Book, -- but No, - you all are TOOOOOO SMART to hear GOD, or even Care what God says!!!!!

Paul – 021614