Love and Marriage don't go Together:


New member
All you geniuses who call yourselves “Christians” because Christ can’t; - most likely think of yourselves as the LADY’S man of all lady’s men. Especially when you were younger, and that NEVER CHANGES.—You know how MEN ARE. --- “IF” any of you were Christian, you would have repented of all that nonsense, “AND THEN WHAT”!! – YOU GOT MARRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE “THE” - “LADY’S MAN”. – As well done as any lying so called “christian”, who still thinks of himself as “A” lady’s man. “NOOOOO!!” – 1 Corinthians 7:36 KJV ---&--- 1 Corinthians 7:9 KJV ---- Man is by nature a self centered selfish and arrogant play boy who always thinks he’s the real lady’s man, and YOU’RE NO DIFFERENT!! – God NEVER ORDAINED MARRIAGE; you lost fools created marriage! -- Most of you SAY you believe what the Apostle Paul says, - BUT NONE OF YOU DO!!
1 Corinthians 7:4-7 KJV – “The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5- DEFRAUD YE NOT one the other, except it be with consent for a time, THAT YE MAY GIVE YOURSELVES TO FASTING AND PRAYER; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. 6- But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment. 7- -“( FOR I WOULD THAT ALL MEN WERE EVEN AS I MYSELF )”-. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that”. ----- Paul is speaking of his own condition, which was, Liken to a “Eunuch”. Paul was made as a Eunuch when he met the Lord on the roar to Damascus. – If any of you geniuses knew anything about Christ, you’d understand. – The Apostle Paul couldn’t marry if he wanted to. He received the legs of the “so called, good thief at the Cross”. The “good thief’s legs were broken up to his hips. --- All you Apostle Paul lovers, you did that to Paul after you crucified Jesus. Or you mocked Jesus while He was being crucified.

Marriage is not ordained of God. It’s only permitted because of the nature of the man, - YOU ARE THE PLAY BOY, AND LADY’S MAN BY NATURE. -- HOWEVER, there are “NO MARRIAGES IN HEAVEN” between man and WOMAN, - NONE / “NONE”!! – Mark 12:25 KJV – “For when THEY SHALL RISE FROM THE DEAD, they NEITHER MARRY, NOR ARE GIVEN in marriage; but are as the angels which are in Heaven”. ----- “Neither marry nor GIVEN in marriage”. ---- If you say “YOU” are married, that means, “YOU” are very dumb concerning Christ, OR YOU’RE “LOST’, or both! --- When a Lost fool becomes a Christian, he is raised with Christ, and is a recipient of the “FIRST RESURRECTION”, and CANNOT BE MARRIED, “GOD SAID SO”; “DID YOU GENIUSES NOT HEAR HIM!! --- Mark 12:25 KJV --- & --- Revelation 20:6 KJV – And that is NOW!!!

Now all you geniuses and scholars, PROVE ME WRONG!!

Paul – 100111


Genesis 2:24

24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.


Well-known member
One day in heaven when we have an eternal body ... there will be no marriage and no child producing. God's eternal kingdom will be set ... but until then children need parents and the environment of a secure family situation. Marriage is not about thinking about yourself... it takes two.

Now, I so agree with you that people have trouble accomplishing this... and it really seems like a bad idea at times. Even Jesus said that God allowed divorce because of the hardness of humanity's heart. God did not want people to suffer at the hands of an evil partner.

However, without LOVE no one could sustain a marriage ... but for me LOVE doesn't refer to SEX. One doesn't need any love to accomplish sex. Rather it means that a person is willing to think of another person or of the importance of their secure relationship before he/she thinks of self. One does things to foster harmony and to care for someone else for the common good even when he/she doesn't feel like doing it.

Some people can show this kind of love some of the time ... others more often ... but doing so all the time is an impossibility. That's why it is very important to have two people working together in one according with this type of LOVE in mind in order to hold a family together.

Marriage is just as much for children as it is parents ... for A man will leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and (in order to) become ONE (I read that as become another ONE human.)

Isn't that really neat ... how God created the process and ability for one male and one female to come together to form another human potentially destined to become God's child in His kingdom? Then God even intrusts those parents with the responsibility of raising, protecting, and teaching that child during their lifetime.

Regarding Paul, I think you are correct in that he was less sexually motivated than most men... and was perfectly happy single.

Since I'm a woman, there have been experiences in my life that caused me to have had strong negative feelings about males (for example my first husband!)... but, now that I've had a wonderful husband for 30 years, I count myself lucky and am less harsh in my opinion about males.


New member
Genesis 2:24

24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

YES!! – That’s the very reason Jesus left His Father’s House over two thousands years ago. Jesus received His Wife / the Church unto Himself. That was the Marriage, but not the MARRAGE FEAST.

Paul – 101011


New member
One day in heaven when we have an eternal body ... there will be no marriage and no child producing. God's eternal kingdom will be set ... but until then children need parents and the environment of a secure family situation. Marriage is not about thinking about yourself... it takes two.

Now, I so agree with you that people have trouble accomplishing this... and it really seems like a bad idea at times. Even Jesus said that God allowed divorce because of the hardness of humanity's heart. God did not want people to suffer at the hands of an evil partner.

However, without LOVE no one could sustain a marriage ... but for me LOVE doesn't refer to SEX. One doesn't need any love to accomplish sex. Rather it means that a person is willing to think of another person or of the importance of their secure relationship before he/she thinks of self. One does things to foster harmony and to care for someone else for the common good even when he/she doesn't feel like doing it.

Some people can show this kind of love some of the time ... others more often ... but doing so all the time is an impossibility. That's why it is very important to have two people working together in one according with this type of LOVE in mind in order to hold a family together.

Marriage is just as much for children as it is parents ... for A man will leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and (in order to) become ONE (I read that as become another ONE human.)

Isn't that really neat ... how God created the process and ability for one male and one female to come together to form another human potentially destined to become God's child in His kingdom? Then God even intrusts those parents with the responsibility of raising, protecting, and teaching that child during their lifetime.

Regarding Paul, I think you are correct in that he was less sexually motivated than most men... and was perfectly happy single.

Since I'm a woman, there have been experiences in my life that caused me to have had strong negative feelings about males (for example my first husband!)... but, now that I've had a wonderful husband for 30 years, I count myself lucky and am less harsh in my opinion about males.

None of that has anything to do with Jesus and the Marriage between anything. – A donkey is married to the cart. --- However, if God joins two together, they are MARRIED and cannot be separated, - it’s impossible. – The Mormons cannot join two together in a spiritual marriage. - Flesh cannot be married, except for a moment if the man is weak. -- The flesh can only promise itself to the other, and that’s "espousal". – That’s not God joining. - Paul only "espoused" the Church to Jesus, not Marry the souls of the Christians to the Soul of Jesus His Spiritual Body.

Paul – 101011


Well-known member
Let'sagrgue, I guess I didn't read your opening post as thoroughly as was needed. I thought you were discussing human marriage.

You are correct that when God marries the church that take MARRIAGE to whole higher level.


New member
Let'sagrgue, I guess I didn't read your opening post as thoroughly as was needed. I thought you were discussing human marriage.

You are correct that when God marries the church that take MARRIAGE to whole higher level.

The word “Marriage” is not a word that’s exclusively attached to the uniting of male and female people. -- The word “marriage” is not even the root word. - .”Merge” is likely the root word for marry and marriage which only means to “join”, unite, hook-up, connect, together. -- Man can merge or marry anything together; joining, or hooking .them up.

Marriage is only “joined” until they are un-joined, or un-married or un-hooked-up, un-united. – However, if GOD UNITES, HOOKS-UP, MARRIES, CONNECTS two; - male and female together, they cannot be un-hooked, un-united, “separated”, become estranged or strangers, ”OUT OF LOVE”! – The word “LOVE” is in there also for the man and woman. - Love is not Strange or Separated. --- Souls are united in LOVE / CHRIST; not ceremonies, and traditions. - Love is the highest form of “LIKE”, - I “like” beans and fried chicken. - I “love” shrimp more than I LIKE beef. – I Love God more than I “love” anything else, and that “love” is greater than anything else that I LIKE!!

Paul – 101211


New member
quite interesting to know the difference in.........the bride, the bridesmaid, the bridegroom, and the groom and guests.


New member
quite interesting to know the difference in.........the bride, the bridesmaid, the bridegroom, and the groom and guests.

Of course. People just never think things through, using God and all of His, and nothing else. It's like adding something strange to your bank statement a year ago. What has that amounted to today.

Paul -- 092812