Lost in Translation


New member

January 30, 2018 Press Release

Issues: 4th District of Illinois

Washington, DC – Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) issued a statement after listening to the President’s State of the Union address. Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez is a Member of the Judiciary Committee and the Chair of the Immigration Task Force of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Even though I disagreed with almost everything he said, for Trump, the speech was clear and well-delivered. Whoever translated it for him from Russian did a good job.

I am still hopeful, but I don’t see this Congress and this President coming to an agreement that prevents the deportation of the Dreamers. The White House agenda is to gut legal immigration in exchange for allowing some of the Dreamers to live here. For those of us who support legal immigration, and that’s most Democrats and many Republicans, it won’t fly. And the Dreamers themselves have said they do not want legal status if it comes at the expense of others who will suffer more as part of the bargain. The speech did nothing to bring the pro- and anti-immigrant sides closer together.

I was hoping for some sort of apology on Puerto Rico, but I heard nothing. Puerto Rico is a metaphor for how this President sees all Latinos and people of color: he does not see us as his equals and he does not see us as fellow human beings. If you look at how the President has treated Puerto Rico, you have to conclude that he just doesn’t care and probably thinks of Puerto Rico as just another shithole country.

I was born in 1953 in the U.S. when separate but equal was the law of the land. I am proud of the progress the United States has made as a nation on issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, and many other areas where we have advanced. I was hoping to get through my life without having to witness an outwardly, explicitly racist American President, but my luck ran out.


If that were but the half of it, Guttiérrez...

FEMA to stop distributing emergency food and water to Puerto Rico...

In a stark contrast to the government’s decision, President Trump, in his State of the Union speech Tuesday, told Puerto Ricans and residents of states decimated by hurricanes and wildfires last year that “We are with you, we love you, and we will pull through together.”

...The announcement angered many who said they believe FEMA has not provided a sufficient response to an island where about one-third of residents still lack power and, in rural areas, have difficulty obtaining clean water and food.

The government of Puerto Rico said it was not forewarned about the change.

(Full story is found on the link below).


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Puerto Rico is a metaphor for how this President sees all Latinos and people of color:

I don't remember hearing anything from Guttiérrez when the Obama Justice Department was caught walking guns into Mexico which resulted in the deaths of many Latinos and one USA official.

According to this guy's warped view it is worse to talk bad about some of the countries populated by Latinos than it is to put guns in the hands of drug dealers who use those guns to kill Latinos!

The Demos' game of setting one race against another is wearing thin with the vast Majority. Unfortunately for them, they have no other game!

The Barbarian

"Even though I disagreed with almost everything he said, for Trump, the speech was clear and well-delivered. Whoever translated it for him from Russian did a good job."

A thousand comedians are green with envy.


New member
"Even though I disagreed with almost everything he said, for Trump, the speech was clear and well-delivered. Whoever translated it for him from Russian did a good job."

A thousand comedians are green with envy.


Should he decide to run for President, I'll be looking forward to his very, very sharp, split second wit during the debates.

Too bad Trump will not be running again, in 2020 - Guttiérrez would not be one to back down from Trump's style of a five-year old when debating; and would shut The Donald up and good...each time.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
He's already upset Jerry. He'd probably give Trump a conniption fit.

I don't remember hearing anything from Guttiérrez when the Obama Justice Department was caught walking guns into Mexico which resulted in the deaths of many Latinos and one USA official.

According to this guy's warped view it is worse to talk bad about some of the countries populated by Latinos than it is to put guns in the hands of drug dealers who use those guns to kill Latinos!

The Demos' game of setting one race against another is wearing thin with the silent majority. Unfortunately for them, they have no other game!



... The Demos' game of setting one race against another is wearing thin with the silent majority. Unfortunately for them, they have no other game!

Lost in Translation

Now we know that "the Donald" can read from a teleprompter, something he was quick to criticize Obama when he was President!

The Republicans will never be accused of "setting one race against another" because we all know that they represent the best interests of one, and only one, race!


New member
I don't remember hearing anything from Guttiérrez when the Obama Justice Department was caught walking guns into Mexico which resulted in the deaths of many Latinos and one USA official.

According to this guy's warped view it is worse to talk bad about some of the countries populated by Latinos than it is to put guns in the hands of drug dealers who use those guns to kill Latinos!

The Demos' game of setting one race against another is wearing thin with the silent majority. Unfortunately for them, they have no other game!

That's just you in your usually ill-informed nonsense, once more...


As for why Dems appear to set one race against another?

I mean, other than within one more of your many self-delusions throughout TOL, Jerry.

Why Gutiérrez appeared to be doing that..


The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
He's already upset Jerry. He'd probably give Trump a conniption fit.

Jerry responds:
Yahbut! Yahbut! Yahbut!

Jerry plays the race card:
The Demos' game of setting one race against another is wearing thin with the silent majority. Unfortunately for them, they have no other game!

I don't think either of those are going to work for you, Jerry.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Lost in Translation

Now we know that "the Donald" can read from a teleprompter, something he was quick to criticize Obama when he was President!

The Republicans will never be accused of "setting one race against another" because we all know that they represent the best interests of one, and only one, race!

The only race you're in is, the "race to look the most ignorant during the course of any 24 hour period of the day" and you're a shoe-in for first place. You can pick up your "Blue ribbon" at the nearest concession stand. Thanks for running the race.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
That's just you in your usually ill-informed nonsense, once more...


Gutierrez also made a conditional call for Holder’s resignation, indicating that if he’s convinced Holder knew of Operation Fast and Furious, and misled Congress, he thinks Holder should resign.

Everybody and their dog knew that Holder was responsible for Fast and Furious and that he mislead Congress but Gutierrez never called for Holder's resignation!

The House has voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over his failure to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal, the first time Congress has taken such a dramatic move against a sitting Cabinet official.

I bet you are as proud as punch that Obama's attorney General became the first one to be held in contempt of Congress.

Gutierrez thinks that Trump's speaking badly about countries made up of Latinos is worse than people supplying guns to drug cartels which were used to kill Latinos!

And you defend that nonsense!


New member

Gutierrez also made a conditional call for Holder’s resignation, indicating that if he’s convinced Holder knew of Operation Fast and Furious, and misled Congress, he thinks Holder should resign.

Everybody and their dog knew that Holder was responsible for Fast and Furious and that he mislead Congress but Gutierrez never called for Holder's resignation!

Gutierrez thinks that Trump's speaking badly about countries made up of Latinos is worse than people supplying guns to drug cartels which were used to kill Latinos!

And you defend that nonsense!

No. I do not.

To me, he is just one more Politician.

Meaning, while I DO empathize with him as to our FELLOW AMERICANS - Puerto Rico - I do NOT trust right off what his actual motives might be.

The man IS a Politician.

It is YOU fools who have WELDED Trump onto a solid "can do no wrong - not in the past, not now, not in the future" Pedestal.

At the same time, I empathize with what Gutiérrez has said about how YOUR ABSOLUTELY FALSE IDOL has betrayed my 3.5 Million FELLOW AMERICAN CITIZENS...

The following is from JUST TWO DAYS AGO..

‘Why can’t I have my life back?’: In Puerto Rico, living and learning IN THE DARK...



A boy runs down a dark hall of Escuela Intermedia (ELEMENTARY School) Jesusa Vizcarrondo in Loiza, Puerto Rico. (Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post)

But what would you know - you prefer contributing to the economy in Mexico, where you have been living for many years now.

And yet, here you are, your shorts ever in a bunch over the goings on of very country you long ago moved out on.

Give me a break.

Go blow your smoke in some other fool's eyes; this fool ain't buyin it.