"Lost in Space" Preempts Debate


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"Lost in Space" Preempts Debate

This is the show from Wednesday, October 17th, 2012.


* Reason #165: to Get Your Kids Out of the Government Schools! The Southern Poverty Law Center, (a well-known front group for leftists and homosexual advocates) is sponsoring what they call a “mix it up” day at a government school near you. They say it’s about “breaking social barriers”, but the American Family Association reveals it’s about promoting homosexuality. Pro-Family organizations are encouraging you to keep your kids home from school on that day, (Oct. 30 2012). Bob and Doug encourage you to keep your kids out of government schools… Period. Starting today!

* It Runs in the Family: While Chelsea Clinton is engaged in the noble cause of fighting diarrhea in Nigeria, this does not obscure, (for us anyway) her support for abortion. But the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… her mom and dad have spent a lifetime advocating the intentional killing of children.

* Star Trek Rips Off Lost in Space: Trekkie fanatics, obsessed with Star Trek, think that Gene Roddenberry introduced to the world many of our greatest technological advances. Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss (emphasis on the theoretical), even wrote a book (mis-titled though, just like his Universe from Nothing book), called The Physics of Star Trek. In reality though, all those great conceptual advances came not from Star Trek, but from Lost in Space! ("Warning, warning Will Robinson, there are Bible verses up ahead."). For as Solomon wrote: "There is no new thing under the sun…" or, beyond it for that matter. Lost in Space first aired on TV in 1965, a year before Star Trek, and prefigured much of the technology and culture of it's step-child spin off. Like these…

"Resistance is futile!" says an alien to the robot! (Wreck Of the Robot)

Transporter beam: (Prisoners of Space)

Ship's velocity: Can travel at near light speed

Weapons: Laser guns, i.e., “phasers”

Mechanical personality: Like androids on the ship, the robot is sentient, develops human emotions; experiments with humor, and like Data from The Next Generation, grows beyond his programming

Speech: Aliens always speak English except when episodic communication difficulties aids the plot

Replicator: An alien device, a "molecular replicator," can make whatever Dr. Smith wants (The Dream Monster)

Alien forms: Most aliens look humanoid while some look like reptiles

Force field: An invisible shield can protect the ship

War: Some alien civilizations have evolved beyond the use of war

Tractor beam: Invisible force that can tow an entire space ship or pull a ship even against it's own propulsion into a space dock

Ethics: This is the only general category where Star Trek truly broke new ground. On Lost in Space, Captain John Robinson and his family are relatively consistent with the application of justice (except for their unbiblical and relentless forgiving of Dr. Smith. On the other hand, Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, and the first-ever female star ship captain (who got lost on her very first episode, didn't like asking for directions, and took seven full seasons to find her way back), have a “Prime Directive” which they seem to violate on almost every episode. The Federation has itself evolved beyond warfare and the use of force yet every ship is equipped with weapons of mass destruction, the inventory of which must be frequently filled. (Picard himself personally killed more than three-dozen "people," not counting the annihilation of entire crews on ships blown to bits by the Enterprise.)

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* Baby Shower for a Rescued Child: Post-show good news update with mom Beatrice, rescuer Jo Scott, and the inimitable Chet Gallagher behind the camera interviewing the gals!