Looking for Justice... and Some Good Chocolate

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Looking for Justice... and Some Good Chocolate

This is the show from Tuesday May 18th, 2010.

[Abortion] is not a political issue when it comes to the church. It's a moral obligation. Because you know what pastors? Politicians go to Hell too. If they don't learn the truth, if they're not brought to repentance to humble themselves before God for all the wickedness they do, they go to Hell too. Don't you care about the politicians?


* Candidate Lies About Viet Nam: U.S. Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal lied about serving in Viet Nam during that war.

* Injustice in Ohio: The Ohio Parol Board has recommended to pro-abortion Governor Ted Strickland, that he grant clemency to murderer Richard Nields for the brutal murder and robbery of his former girlfriend. The board recommended that the death sentence should be reduced to life in prision without chance of parole. Guest host Doug McBurney invites you to contact the governor to express your opinion on what he should do.

* Advise From Joe Biden: Biden tells the graduates of the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice that they should stay optimistic and "make things better".

* Ted Turner Speaks for God: Turner wonders if the oil spill and the recent coal mine accidents might be God telling us something about protecting the environment. Ted's knowledge of God comes mostly from Ted's frequent abuse of God's name while speaking.

* Postpartem Men: The Wall Street Journal reports that studies show that 10% of dads suffer from postpartum depression. The other 90% apparently have lives.

* Doggy DNA Database: A Baltimore Condo considers building a doggie DNA database to figure out who isn't cleaning up after their pooch.

* Matter or Antimatter: Physicists at Fermilab think they have a clue to why there is more matter than antimatter.

Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join by calling or e-mailing Colorado Right to Life.

Today’s Resource: Have you listened to the "Plot Boys" yet? In this audio series, Bob teaches through his book "The Plot" along with young Stephen Sutherland and Josh Craddock. The teaching is presented in a way that kids can readily understand, yet it is is also a valuable resource for adults to learn the plot of the bible.
Order the three mp3-CD set today!

Also consider ordering the entire Bob Enyart Library. This invaluable resource will benefit your entire family and help support the ministry of Bob Enyart Live.
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