Originally posted by BChristianK
maybe, or He's there, He's talking, but we don't hear Him because we don't want to hear what He is saying...
Happens to me quite a bit.
No, but sometimes we are and we like to blame God for our vindictiveness.
Sometimes it eventually does, sometimes it never does...
Yet for all the conglomeration of manuscripts we have a miraculously coherent work of literature. I think you need to open up your library research on the archeological evidence that does and does not exist on the OT. If you seek out authors that tell you that the OT has no archeological support, your bound to find them, my guess is you passed up books that say the opposite in your search to discredit the archeological evidence.
I'm not saying you shouldn't read those books, go ahead. But if you don't balance your research you will have indoctrinated yourself to their religion (which is mostly secularized atheistic relativism).
Probably, most of us are. I consider myself firmly grounded in my faith and yet I've probably only got the four corners of the puzzle in place.
Or some of the above.
Not a fun place to be, but not a hopeless place to be either, In my own, God used complete loss to show Himself to me. I know that doesn’t make it any easier.
Man, I wish I could. I’ll pray, really pray, not the “Gee God, this dude seems to be havin’ a tough time lately� prayer before I start the car on my way to work kinda prayer but I’ll set aside an hour this week and pray that God will bring you a bit of light in your darkness.
I’m sorry to hear about your divorce. It sounds like your church has handled the whole situation corruptly and, if I were you, I’d run as far as I could from that church as well.
I think its ok to see that they are hypocrites and liars and thieves and generally unjust judges if you were wronged first in your marriage and then by your church.
But leave all by yourself, I’d follow OEJ’s advice and take Jesus along with you, you might find that going with God is better than going it alone.
Grace and Peace