Originally posted by elected4ever
The sinners prayer is prayed by sinners not saints. No saint sins and is not a sinner. Frankly I do not believe in tongues as it is practiced today. I do however believe in the spiritual gifts. All of them. They are given as the Holy Spirit wills and not as man wills. I believe that all the gifts should be desired but that does not make their reception by the individual automatic.
I have heard flat out lies preached in the name of the Holy Spirit and supposedly verified by the Holy Spirit through tongs and prophecy. It is hard for me to conceive of the Holy Spirit sanctioning a false teaching and a false prophecy. So the Spirit that is at work in modern Christendom is anything but Holy. It is the unsaved religious spirit of man or a demon perverting the word to mislead man and to pervert the gospel. No physical manifestation of the Spirit is proof of salvation. Every gift is counterfeited by the unholy principalities and powers of this world system.