Life Legal: Planned Parenthood Filed Lawsuit to Punish Daleiden


[Life Legal: Planned Parenthood Filed Lawsuit to Punish Daleiden by Alexandra Snyder, Life Legal Defense Foundation Napa, CA Christian Newswire] "On May 5, Life Legal filed an "anti-SLAPP" motion in the case of Planned Parenthood v. The Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden, et al. A "SLAPP," or Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, is a lawsuit designed to chill speech by inflicting the expense and burden of litigation on the defending party. California law prohibits these types of lawsuits, as they violate the First Amendment.

In this case, Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit for the sole purpose of silencing and punishing David for gathering information about Planned Parenthood's sale of fetal body parts and then publishing his findings. The Center for Medical Progress published a series of videos proving Planned Parenthood's practice of collaborating with fetal specimen brokers to secure payment and other valuable consideration, including disposal services, for the bodies of aborted babies. Planned Parenthood wants to punish David and his fellow investigators with crushing damages and attorney fee awards.

California's anti-SLAPP law specifically protects free speech in connection with "an issue of public interest." Planned Parenthood is a taxpayer-funded organization that holds itself out as a provider of free or reduced cost services for women. The public has a right to know what kinds of business practices Planned Parenthood is engaged in, especially when those practices are illegal.

Life Legal's motion includes evidence of payment structures used between Planned Parenthood and fetal specimen brokers to compensate abortion clinics for supplying fetal body parts. Brokers such as StemExpress solicit the participation of Planned Parenthood's clinics by offering to make the transactions "financially profitable."

"There is no question that Planned Parenthood is involved in the sale of aborted babies to fetal tissue brokers," says Life Legal Defense Foundation's Executive Director Alexandra Snyder. "The only reason for the lawsuit is to punish David Daleiden for exposing its practices and to deter others from taking on the abortion giant..." Life Legal: Planned Parenthood Filed Lawsuit to Punish Daleiden Pr 8:36

The Horn

Daleiden DESERVES to be criminally prosecuted . He is a liar and a fraud who doctored videos of discussions at Planned Parenthood to appear as though PP sells body parts from aborted fetuses for profit, which it does NOT and which is illegal .
Planned Parenthood has never done this . What it does do and which is entirely legal, is donate fetal tissue for vital scientific and medical research - but only with the consent of its
patients .
Daleiden operates a shady antiabortion extremist abortion called "Center for medical progress " (what an Orwellian name ! ). He is not an investigative journalist but a slimy anti-abortion
criminal , nor is he a "whistle blower ". The whistle has been blown on HIM !
Planned Parenthood has never forced any woman to have an abortion and abortions are only 3 per
cent of what it does . In fact, without the contraceptives, medical testing and other vital services it offers, the abortion rate would be much higher than it is now in America.


New member
Anti-SLAPP laws don't generally protect illegal conduct, even if there is some arguable public interest, nor do they generally cover legal actions unless they are frivolous. Planned Parenthood's claims are not frivolous. This new lawsuit itself could be considered a SLAPP.

The Horn

Serpent Dove. this is a fact. There is not one shred of evidence that PP has ever sold body parts let alone harvested them for profit . To begin with ,PP is a non-profit organization. No one works
for expecting or hoping to get rich .
David Daleiden deliberately doctored videos to make it appear as though PP is involved in selling body parts from aborted fetuses and harvesting them for profit . This makes him a criminal fraud. Get over it .