Life is Most Important in Life = Most Imporant Truth in Life

Challenge that Life is Most Important in Life IS NOT The Most Important Truth in Life without using Life...

The Truth wins. Now please stop killing and enslaving animals for the sole purpose of personal gratification (taste, unneeded nutrition, fun).

We can't be witnessing a True Living God without first going through the Truth. Well, that's the Most Important Truth in Life and it does not sanction/approve of needless self killing.
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All of these people here quoting the bible left and right and killing for taste thinking that the Truth doesn't apply to them.

For those of you who adamantly hold to killing and enslaving the animals needlessly for food and fun, I give you this scenario:

How about I visit your complete congratulation of people, men, women and children of all ages...everyone? Then I play a one hour video with sound of all the needless and preventable slaughter and enslavement. My guess is about half of the people in the room will cry. I further guess that around 10% of the people will actually vomit.

When done I will ask this question: How is this totally unnecessary killing and enslavement of the animals the Facilitation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the very duty of those with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish beliefs alike?

According to the logic of Epoisses, the raping and killing of a person would be love as long as Epoisses enjoys in doing it. That's what Epoisses calls love.

Epoisses, some people do understand that the Truth of your love to cause needless pain to other Life is not a Truthful representation of the Truth.

As we can see, none has challenged The Most Important Truth in Life without using Life in complete hypocrisy.

Dear Lord. This day I witness that none in this house have upheld what you decree as Most Important to us.

I dust my feet.
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New member
I just want to eat my hamburger in peace.

Jesus ate dead animals - deal with it.

'And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them.' Luke 24:41-43
I just want to eat my hamburger in peace.

Jesus ate dead animals - deal with it.

'And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them.' Luke 24:41-43

Killing and enslaving animals for sole purpose of personal gratification (taste, unneeded nutrition, fun) violates The Most Important Truth in Life.

Your argument is the same as saying that because people have killed each other that we should continue to do so.

There is a big difference between choosing to kill when necessary and choosing to kill for personal gratification.

I have the Authority right now. It has been given on to me to pour out upon this planet The Most Important Truth in Life and that nothing is More Important in Life until such time as the True Living God gives us a more important Truth.

The True Living God says that The Most Important Truth in Life is more Important than any other Truth in Life. That includes every page of the bible, and every word or thought ever written in the history of mankind to date.

The Most Important Truth in Life is just that "MOST IMPORTANT" and trumps all other Truths. This is the Word of the True Living God that is Most Important, above all else, including other Truths. The Most Importnat Truth in Life is there for us and will never disagree with any other Truth we have been given. If it appears it does, then the other truth must be a lie.

Your desire to kill and harm and use the bible as an excuse has been proven a lie. You used Life, that which the True Word says is Most Important in Life, to argue against The Most Important Truth in Life that Life is not most important in life. That's called hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a lie.

If you cannot respond without hypocrisy then clearly the True Living God does not support your position.

Just respond without ever using Life. Then we will all see that your actual point to make, or truth to present, that isn't a lie.

PEACE is Perfect Equality Among Celestial Entities.

You don't know what True Peace is or who the True Living God is because you have chosen to dismiss the Truth. The only peace you can find that way.... is false peace. The only god you can get to that way.... is a false god or a false jesus.

We must go though the Truth in all things. Yes, even before a god. None is except from this requirement.

Your attempts to promote needless killing and suffering for factually unnecessary reasons while dismissing The Most Important Truth in Life and not agreeing with this Truth are blasphemy.

I judge you not. The Truth has judged your actions this day and found your choices and words lies and unworthy of representing the Most High.
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