Letsplay Christian:

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I’ve watched you all play Christian for a long time now, so now let’s really play your game, and let’s play it right, YOU AND I. – You know how it goes, the rapture and all. You all disagree somewhat on the details of the rapture, but I think we all can get it together and play a good game of Christian.

Let’s say that just before the bugger man is loosed out of his snake pit; all you good people are raptured up to Heaven; that is if there is any one good enough to be raptured. According to God there’s not any, but we can see. It won’t be the first time that God has LIED now will it? – WELL, someone’s God has lied; let’s put it that way. ---- Romans 3:10-12 KJV ------ We’ll see!

I think we’ll play Christian this way; -- 1 Corinthians15:24 KJV ------ Let’s have it that the Son of man delivers the Kingdom back to the Father, and that will be the RAPTURE! – I’m sure that fits some of you all’s doctrine, it doesn’t really matter now does it? – I think he does that in a moment and twinkling of an eye, so watch and wait for it, it’s going to be quick! – Cross your fingers, and HOPE that you are among the ones raptured.
The son of man; -- HUmmmm, -- My daddy was a man, and I’m the son of him, and that makes me a son of man, - My, - how quaint! – We’ll play it that way, and I’ll deliver the Church back to my Heavenly Dad. – It’s just a game now, so I can make it anyway I want it, Right!

Wow! – They’ve gone back to the Father. – I Guess all you gooood people got RAPTURED. – If you’re still here, what does that mean? – I’m too foolish to know what’s next for those of you who are still here. - I think you get caught up into the great tribulation that’s about to happen, HUHH! ---- Hey, I have an idea, -- start listening to see if there might be just a few that were really raptured and can’t be found. How about it? ---- It’s just a GAME THOUGH! - None of this can be real. It wouldn’t have really happened the way you thought it would happened. You see, Christ has nothing to say about it. You guys do it all in some name that you don’t even know. ---- But anyhow, the Church has been raptured and the rest of you are still here, and weren’t raptured, that’s real COOL!
Don’t forget to check the news to see if there are some gooder folks missing. – We’re going to really have fun playing Christian for the next few years. ----- AAAHHHHH, you don’t want to play any more? – Well, you have no choice, - you’re Christians remember? – You can’t just stop playing Christian! – In the games you’ve always played, and you talked about the Left Behind of the rapture. – Now that you’re the “left behind”, you don’t want to play any longer. AAHHH, he that endures unto the end, the same shall be --- aaHHHh; gets what coming to him.

Paul – 081210


New member
As a REAL Christian ,I would like to know why you are so Forceful.

Do you follow this scripture or some other.

Mt 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven

suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.


Active member
I find letsargue very interesting, but I am also dazzled by the idea that there are 7000 of these type of posts floating around here somewhere! I have yet to figure out a way to actually address them, as I cannot quite pin down who they are to. I am going to, though! We will talk, he and I! Eventually...


Active member
I'm too good and kind to be a Christian.

I am sorry to see your recent status change. However, this sort of comment is just irrational, and intentionally hurtful. These sorts of remarks in general imply identity statements are fatalistic and result in determined behavior. They are the basis of bigotry (a term that gets tossed around much too much, but I find justified here). I hope that it is just your bark, but it is a rather noisy one.

some other dude

New member
I find letsargue very interesting, but I am also dazzled by the idea that there are 7000 of these type of posts floating around here somewhere! I have yet to figure out a way to actually address them, as I cannot quite pin down who they are to. I am going to, though! We will talk, he and I! Eventually...

It appears that Letsargue watches a lot of TV preachers and that his rants are directed at whatever he's seen on TV recently that he disagrees with.


New member
Why are you so angry all the time? Doesn't it get exhausting?

Would you be saying that I’m more angry than Christ is at the fools of your world?

Look at the responses to any of my threads, - and then look at the response to Christ’s Threads / Teachings in his day. – They’re the same from every fool that was and still is. ----- Matthew 23:33 KJV - & - Matthew 23:13-15 KJV –

God is very angry at your world and its angels. - Why do you-all suppose Christ created Hell, the lake of fire for the fools of your world? – BECAUSE HE LOVE YOU?

Paul – 082010


New member
I find letsargue very interesting, but I am also dazzled by the idea that there are 7000 of these type of posts floating around here somewhere! I have yet to figure out a way to actually address them, as I cannot quite pin down who they are to. I am going to, though! We will talk, he and I! Eventually...


I’m in and out a lot, and do and will talk to anyone who is mindful to talk with Spiritual reason, so talk. And, I’ll listen and respond to reason. There is very little spiritual reasoning these days even in the so Called “Churches”.
If I’m wrong, show me I’m wrong. That the duty; and the Christian is ordained to point out errors in the doctrines of others. That I do always and the lost hate it.

Paul – 082210


New member
Most preachers on TV are arminians. I don't think he watches them. Thats why I don't watch them. Letsargue does have some sort of Christian flavor the way I read them. I do stop and read anything new and Letsargue does speak in different tones. There something familiar about they way he thinks. I've noticed the topic on the Urantia book and had to peek at the topic at:
I've noticed the UB readers say things about other Christians and other denominations. The Urantia Book readers say that the Christians are not true to themselves and they, too, reduce other Christians and other denominations down to a much lower level. While reading the Urantia book topics, i can't help to notice some familiarities between Letsargue beliefs and the Urantian beliefs. There something similar between the two. I find Letsargue puzzles, riddles and koans to be some sort of Jesus-coated Hinduism beliefs. Keep talking Letsargue. Someday, I'll figure you out. So read those topics at the link above and find that similarity and report back to us.

I have no idea what you’re talking about with the, “what ever books”. -- I ONLY STUDY / READ THE SCRIPTURES, nothing else. (.) – I also learn what the enemy of Christ teaches from the TV; nowing that most all students of the Devil teaches somewhat the same, with all their divisions. - I come here and fight with the enemy of Christ / the Devil.

How’s that?

Paul – 082310


New member
Sounds good to me!
Sometime you sound 100% of Christians on TV or any denominations are wrong in their beliefs. Personally, I think a lot of Christians are wrong in their beliefs.
I was saying that the Urantian book readers also believe the same as you and I do but they seem to say 100% of them are wrong. I could be wrong on this.

There are degrees to that statement and answer.

As a whole, the Devil and his Children; - he is a fool. - Or they are all fools together.

All the antichrists make up the one Antichrist, as do all the Christians make up the one Christ. – Therefore, the battle or war is really between the Christ and that man of sin the Devil / the Antichrist. Thus me and he shall fight to his death; the Lake of Fire; - Amen!

Paul – 082410
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