Lets help Trump - AND America.


British journalist are a fearsome bunch. Most British Members of Parliment now have enough savvy, that when they get caught with their pants down, then it is best to come clean. If not the journalist WILL find them out and roast them. Cover-up just prolongs the roasting.

There has been loads of scandals: Elicit sex (hetero and homo), expenses fraud, selling secrets, naughty leaks, sex with rent boys, rigging votes....the list goes on. And on.

Few MP's survive the microscopic attention of the press. Lying and cover-up just delays the inevitable. Those that do survive, do so because they come clean, early on, and admit their error. If it is not so bad then they keep their job and might even keep their respect (depending on the circumstances).

Trump needs to BE TRANSPARENT. Dippy memos and tweets won't cut it.

Trump, prove your case, come out - not with blather, but hard demonstrable facts. Kill the opposition with demonstrable sincerity and truth. C'mon.

If your own side has commited a crime that is dogging your leadership, you have to cut them loose.

What is the priority here. Your own ego, or America?


UK Wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "to be a leader one has to MAKE THE WEATHER, not just respond to it."

Trump is not even responding to the weather. Tweets and blather are no more than washed out sludge. The stuff one scrapes off one's shoe.


New member
I'd love to see the whole thing go away, and Trump exonerated.

For this does not look good for our country in the eyes of all the various foreign political powers we have to deal with on a daily basis.

But Trump's is well-known, life-long corruption.

From his grandgather's ill-gotten gains from a brothel and the various corrupt politicians connected to that; to his dad's life-long, mobbed up, corrupt Tamany Hall pals; to Trump's own, well-known life-long corruption.

I seriously doubt the man is innocent of what he is being investigated for - having sold out his own country to the Russians.

It is what it is.

Come out it will.

And his compulsion to actually brag about what he has gotten away with when pressed, together with his inability to say much free of one lie after another, is not going to help him anymore, than it has thus far.

For neither treason nor a threat to our the national security of our country is are laughing matter, and must be THROUGHLY investigated - no matter where that leads, nor whom it brings down or exonerates, in the end...

It is what it is...

The Barbarian

From his grandgather's ill-gotten gains from a brothel

Evidence? It would explain a lot of things we're seeing from Trump. But I'd like to see the evidence for it.

(Barbarian checks)

Only shards of glass bottles remain on the lake shore in Bennett, British Columbia—remnants perhaps of the lively establishment operated by Trump’s grandfather that was known for good food, booze and ready women. A church sits further up the slope, its lonely spire peeking out from a thicket of pines.
Bennett was once a thriving transit point for prospectors in the Klondike gold rush at the turn of the 20th century, and Friedrich Trump made a killing running a restaurant and bar. The nest egg he generated in just two years grew into the fortune that has supported his grandson’s bid for the U.S. presidency.

Trump quickly saw where the real profits lay amid the gold-rush frenzy. An estimated 100,000 prospectors set out for the Klondike, of which only a third actually made it, and a mere 4 percent ever struck gold. Given those odds, Trump’s willingness to lay down his pick was “a shrewd move," according to Blair. “He was mining the miners.”

Bennett was a key hub for prospectors, who trudged from Alaska across frozen mountains and floated rickety rafts down the treacherous rapids of the Yukon River to Dawson City in search of elusive gold. The town lost its allure with the construction of a railway link from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse, allowing miners to bypass Bennett.

In response, Trump dismantled the restaurant and its precious lumber and rebuilt it in Whitehorse. A photo in Blair’s book shows a mustachioed Fred Trump in a white apron. He’s standing at the bar near a wall of drapes behind which women, known as “sporting ladies,” entertained miners in privacy.

Trump was a rich man when he left Whitehorse in 1901 to return to his native Kallstadt, Germany, where he later deposited savings of 80,000 marks in the village treasury, Blair recounts. Unable to regain German citizenship, he returned to New York with his riches. That amount—equivalent in purchasing power to about half a million euros in 2014—ended up funding the Trump family’s first residential real estate investments in the New York area, later carried on by his son Fred and grandson Donald.

Trump, who claims in his memoir that his grandfather was Swedish, told the New York Times in August that Blair’s portrayal of Friedrich’s business was “totally false.” Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, didn’t reply to two voice mails and an e-mail requesting comment.


Not that Grampa's behavior applies to Trump,but it would explain Trump's willingness to assume any position if the price is right.
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New member
Evidence? It would explain a lot of things we're seeing from Trump. But I'd like to see the evidence for it.

(Barbarian checks)

Only shards of glass bottles remain on the lake shore in Bennett, British Columbia—remnants perhaps of the lively establishment operated by Trump’s grandfather that was known for good food, booze and ready women. A church sits further up the slope, its lonely spire peeking out from a thicket of pines.
Bennett was once a thriving transit point for prospectors in the Klondike gold rush at the turn of the 20th century, and Friedrich Trump made a killing running a restaurant and bar. The nest egg he generated in just two years grew into the fortune that has supported his grandson’s bid for the U.S. presidency.

Trump quickly saw where the real profits lay amid the gold-rush frenzy. An estimated 100,000 prospectors set out for the Klondike, of which only a third actually made it, and a mere 4 percent ever struck gold. Given those odds, Trump’s willingness to lay down his pick was “a shrewd move," according to Blair. “He was mining the miners.”

Bennett was a key hub for prospectors, who trudged from Alaska across frozen mountains and floated rickety rafts down the treacherous rapids of the Yukon River to Dawson City in search of elusive gold. The town lost its allure with the construction of a railway link from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse, allowing miners to bypass Bennett.

In response, Trump dismantled the restaurant and its precious lumber and rebuilt it in Whitehorse. A photo in Blair’s book shows a mustachioed Fred Trump in a white apron. He’s standing at the bar near a wall of drapes behind which women, known as “sporting ladies,” entertained miners in privacy.

Trump was a rich man when he left Whitehorse in 1901 to return to his native Kallstadt, Germany, where he later deposited savings of 80,000 marks in the village treasury, Blair recounts. Unable to regain German citizenship, he returned to New York with his riches. That amount—equivalent in purchasing power to about half a million euros in 2014—ended up funding the Trump family’s first residential real estate investments in the New York area, later carried on by his son Fred and grandson Donald.

Trump, who claims in his memoir that his grandfather was Swedish, told the New York Times in August that Blair’s portrayal of Friedrich’s business was “totally false.” Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, didn’t reply to two voice mails and an e-mail requesting comment.


Not that Grampa's behavior applies to Trump,but it would explain Trump's willingness to assume any position if the price is right.

Yup. :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
UK Wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "to be a leader one has to MAKE THE WEATHER, not just respond to it."

Trump is not even responding to the weather. Tweets and blather are no more than washed out sludge. The stuff one scrapes off one's shoe.

Not to mention his tweets are downright embarrassing to boot. "Britain First" anyone?

Covfefe you say?


patrick jane

I'd love to see the whole thing go away, and Trump exonerated.

For this does not look good for our country in the eyes of all the various foreign political powers we have to deal with on a daily basis.

But Trump's is well-known, life-long corruption. (Once)

From his grandgather's ill-gotten gains from a brothel and the various corrupt politicians connected to that; to his dad's life-long, mobbed up, corrupt Tamany Hall pals; to Trump's own, well-known life-long corruption. (Twice)

I seriously doubt the man is innocent of what he is being investigated for - having sold out his own country to the Russians.

It is what it is. (Once)

Come out it will.

And his compulsion to actually brag about what he has gotten away with when pressed, together with his inability to say much free of one lie after another, is not going to help him anymore, than it has thus far.

For neither treason nor a threat to our the national security of our country is are laughing matter, and must be THROUGHLY investigated - no matter where that leads, nor whom it brings down or exonerates, in the end...

It is what it is...(Twice)
Grand gather, Throughly, is are laughing matter, repeating things :chuckle: I do the same things then sometimes I see it after I post and try to edit before it's seen or quoted. Do you type with only one index finger like me? :chuckle:


Not so.
Tweets can be useful and beneficial.

Typical Trumper misquoting and evasion.

UK Wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "to be a leader one has to MAKE THE WEATHER, not just respond to it."

Trump is not even responding to the weather.

For instance Trump tweeting support for ultra right wing nazi group in the UK. Then at Davos trying to wriggle out of it by saying "I did not know who these people were".

Why re-tweet offensive rhetoric was the question asked by the world leaders at Davos.

Re-tweeting anything from a group you do not know, offensive or not, is plain dumb.

Not that those at Davos support KJU, most agree with the hermit crab that Trump is an old dotard.As seen by Trump antics.