Leftists are terrified they may lose their monopoly on social outlets


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Unimaginable horrors have taken hold on democrats imagining the damage Musk might do to Twitter if he destroys the biased leftist base currently banning free speech in opposition to lying leftist propaganda.

"I wonder," Tur added, stammering. "You know in talking about this, you know, it's kinda funny, oh, Elon Musk wants to buy it, but there are massive, life and globe-altering consequences for just letting people run wild on the thing.”


Well-known member
Twitter is running scared and may end up shooting itself in the head trying to avoid a takeover by Musk that threatens to destroy its mandatory leftist grip on the message content on its site.

‘Orwellian Control of The Narratives’​

Winklevoss alleged in his tweet that, by adopting the poison pill tactic, Twitter was demonstrating its commitment to preserving the status quo even if it has a negative impact on existing shareholders.

“They would rather self-immolate than give up their censorship programs. This shows you how deeply committed they are to Orwellian control of the narratives and global discourse. Scary,” he wrote.