Leftist uses Nazi flag to protest Trump, neighbors get threatened into moving


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A Wisconsin family of six is being forced to move after their duplex neighbor put up a Nazi flag in a sign of protest against President Trump and a viral photo brought angry strangers to their door.

The Diaz family’s troubles began when a passerby snapped a photo of the two-story Oshkosh duplex on Saturday and posted it on social media. The picture quickly went viral – and drew outrage.

Rosangela Diaz, a mother of four, said she did not even know about the flag until she saw a Facebook post about it. Her neighbor, who has not been identified, has said he flew it to make a “political statement” against President Trump.

Interesting that the leftist with the flag is not identified.

Lesson: if you oppose Mohammedan fascists coming over, Leftist fascists will use the symbology of German fascists to protest because YOU are the real Nazi here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"posted it on social media. The picture quickly went viral – and drew outrage"

social media is for retards

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The golden rule of Facebook is to not believe anything posted on Facebook :chuckle:

gotta love the stuff you run across on the interwebs :darwinsm:
