Leftist says the whole Russia/Trump collusion thing is an Obama admin op


Well-known member

Hersh says that Trump is not the villain but the victim in this story, and that the press has served as a shameful stenographer for Brennan to smear Trump. It has shown no skepticism toward any of his claims or the supposedly nonpartisan reports his cronies and political hacks assembled after the election. Hersh calls Brennan an “*******” and a “buffoon.”

Indeed, it tells you all you need to know about the rottenness of the ruling class that such an open fraud could rise so high in Washington. Brennan, owing to his treasonous support for the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War (he voted for Gus Hall and supported the Soviet-controlled American Communist Party in the 1970s), should not have been allowed within a hundred-mile radius of Langley. Instead, he was hired and rose to the top of the CIA.

A tool of the Muslim Brotherhood (during a stint in Saudi Arabia he says that he grew to admire Islam and the concept of jihad), Brennan refused to take his oath as CIA director on the Bible. His hatred for Michael Flynn and Trump stems in large part from his Islamophilia and his nostalgia for the socialism and the atheism of the Old Soviet Union.


Well-known member
What Nixon covered up was nothing. A penny-ante break in on a campaign office. Crime, yes, but NOTHING compared with any one of a dozen more terrifying crimes since. The technological advances aside, people in 1972 could not believe the scope of high crimes now committed by Ds and Rs (Monoparty) were it told them. That generation would simply refuse to believe the Left could so degrade their government and nation in less than 50 years, but here we are.

The Barbarian

What Nixon covered up was nothing. A penny-ante break in on a campaign office.

It's always the cover-up that takes them down. If Nixon had simply said, "these guys went rogue and committed crimes that we can't tolerate", he'd have been fine. Embarrassed, but no one would have been able to fault him.

Instead, he tried to cover it up out of loyalty to his people. And in the process, a large number of other crimes came to light, and people started flipping to make a deal with prosecutors, and it was all over for him.

Trump seems to have no sense of loyalty at all. He's apparently decided to through Manafort under the bus, perhaps to weaken his credibility, if he should turn state's evidence.

The Barbarian

Must have been frustrating when it all came out, and it was clear that she broke no laws, um?

What was really amusing was the press conference when Trey Gowdy kept trying to dance around the fact that he spent 8 million of or tax dollars only to find nothing indictable.

It's still possible that no one in the Trump administration did anything that will send them to jail. But we'll have to wait for the investigation to complete before that is known.

The Barbarian

Nixon has nothing on his political allies the Clintons and Obama.

Let's see... Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham worked on George McGovern's campaign. Don't sound like Nixon allies, um?

At the time Nixon's political career came to an abrupt end, Barack Obama was 12. Now it's true that he's a pretty capable person, but a 12-year-old probably wouldn't qualify as a "political ally."

This isn't really about reality, is it Nick?

patrick jane

Must have been frustrating when it all came out, and it was clear that she broke no laws, um?

What was really amusing was the press conference when Trey Gowdy kept trying to dance around the fact that he spent 8 million of or tax dollars only to find nothing indictable.

It's still possible that no one in the Trump administration did anything that will send them to jail. But we'll have to wait for the investigation to complete before that is known.
The clintons are crooks and criminals, everybody knows it. That's why she lost so badly

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Let's see... Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham worked on George McGovern's campaign. Don't sound like Nixon allies, um?

Sunni and Shia are rivals and political allies at the same time. You are too stupid to understand. But I think you do, making you willfully evil.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sunni and Shia are rivals and political allies at the same time. You are too stupid to understand. But I think you do, making you willfully evil.

Yeah, your estimation of intelligence and the associated is enough to make anyone quake in their fits of laughter...



The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:

Let's see... Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham worked on George McGovern's campaign. Don't sound like Nixon allies, um?

At the time Nixon's political career came to an abrupt end, Barack Obama was 12. Now it's true that he's a pretty capable person, but a 12-year-old probably wouldn't qualify as a "political ally."

This isn't really about reality, is it Nick?

Sunni and Shia are rivals and political allies at the same time. You are too stupid to understand. But I think you do, making you willfully evil.

You think a lot of things that have nothing whatever to to do with reality, Nick.