Learned my Lesson in Stereotyping


New member
I'm relatively new here. Just want to share how God taught me a lesson in stereotyping... the hard way.

Stereotyping sample #1: Girls from the poorest families are the best choice for wives if you're looking for humility, contentment, and submission.

Stereotyping sample #2: US employment are the best when it comes to salary, working condition, and protection from employer abuse.

My personal experience is totally opposite. I ignored all the red flags which I believe God showed to me on purpose. Now I'm reaping the consequences.

My conclusion: God doesn't like us stereotyping on people.


I don't understand. Does this mean you married a wealthy woman and lost your job at IBM?


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
I'm relatively new here. Just want to share how God taught me a lesson in stereotyping... the hard way.

Stereotyping sample #1: Girls from the poorest families are the best choice for wives if you're looking for humility, contentment, and submission.

Stereotyping sample #2: US employment are the best when it comes to salary, working condition, and protection from employer abuse.

My personal experience is totally opposite. I ignored all the red flags which I believe God showed to me on purpose. Now I'm reaping the consequences.

My conclusion: God doesn't like us stereotyping on people.

For myself...IMO...

49 years ago I married a farm girl. Her family was poor, but her dad was very diligent in seeing that his family was fed, sheltered and clothed, I learned a lot from my late father-in-law. I learned an honest humility, and learned to content, and ours is a together marriage, to which I'm very thankful for. I wouldn't change a thing.

I was content in both fields that I worked in, printing and funeral directing, I received a good wage, working conditions were fair, and I had good employers. I like what I did, I was content with what I earned, always tried to make the work place better for others, and my employers highly valued the employees.

I'm reaping the benefit of a blessed marriage, and peaceful retirement, and through it all I have learned to content.

I think God calls it respecter of persons.
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New member
Stereotyping sample #1: Girls from the poorest families are the best choice for wives if you're looking for humility, contentment, and submission.

Stereotyping sample #2: US employment are the best when it comes to salary, working condition, and protection from employer abuse.
Interestingly, I always thought the stereotypes were the other way around anyway.

Bogans/rednecks/etc are stereotypes associated with low socio-economics and a distinct lack of humility, submission or social etiquette (for either sex). And the US has been viewed for a while by the rest of the world as a place of rampant hypercapitalism and Crony capitalism that is at the expense of workers.


New member
1Ti 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,

whereunto thou art also called,

and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

2Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself

against the knowledge of God,

and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


I only hope if you find yourself walking through a tough neighborhood at night that your present mindset doesn't get you murdered foundsheep.


New member
Interestingly, I always thought the stereotypes were the other way around anyway.

Bogans/rednecks/etc are stereotypes associated with low socio-economics and a distinct lack of humility, submission or social etiquette (for either sex). And the US has been viewed for a while by the rest of the world as a place of rampant hypercapitalism and Crony capitalism that is at the expense of workers.

Those are some strange stereotypes, indeed.

From the country I came from, those are stereotypical.

Women below middle class are generally humble and submissive spouses.

And all professionals who happen to find a job here in the US prosper because typical employers value the hardwork and increased revenue contributed by a good employee.