Leaked PP Videos, what abortionists find funny behind closed doors


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key quotes in summary video:

"My coping mechanism is to focus on the baby fetus. Reverence for something that was once alive, and now is not"

"An eyeball just fell down into my lap and that's gross [laughter], and I say to myself, This abortion is going well; it's going safely, so I am fine” [laughter and applause]"

"So the idea, I actually think that we should be less about denying the reality of those images, more about acknowledging, that yeah, that’s kind of true. So given that we actually see the fetus the same way and given that we might actually both agree that there’s violence in here, ask me why I come to work every day. Let’s just give them all- the violence, it’s a person, killing – let’s just give them all that. And then, the more compelling question is, so why is this the most important thing I can do with my life. Let’s talk about that. And – so that’s my answer to that. I don’t think it needs to be about correcting facts, I think it can be, needs to be about moving the conversation to a different place"

In the full video the entire room breaks out in applause after her statements.

when abortionists are behind closed doors they are more honest on what they do, then numerous abortion defenders in the media or on TOL will ever be.