

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement is dropping cases against illegal immigrants who have been detained for deportation, opting instead to let them go, ..." ICE Dropping Immigration Cases: :Nineveh: Backdoor Amnesty? Full text

"Steele says immigration law 'not a reflection of an entire political party'" Full text

"Hope in the Lord (Ps 65:5) not the RePublicans." ~ Bob Enyart :rolleyes:

"If you come home to find your house burglarized and you call, we're not coming :BRAVO:," .. Cutbacks force police to curtail calls for some crimes Full text :Nineveh: 2 Thess. 2:7, 8 more

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Change you can believe in

Obama [Gog]
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Drivers Licenses for Illegal Aliens

[NYT's Severson: 'Some' Say ID Stripe on Illegals' Drivers Licenses Are 'Modern-Day Scarlet Letter'] "No good deed goes unpunished? In a compromise move, North Carolina officials will issue drivers licenses to young illegal immigrants who have won deferrals from deportation, but with a distinguishing colored marking on the licenses – a pink stripe. New York Times Atlanta bureau chief Kim Severson likened the stripe to "a modern-day scarlet letter" in "North Carolina to Give Some Immigrants Driver's Licenses, With a Pink Stripe."

Severson insisted in her Wednesday story from Raleigh that "some are calling" it that, though she doesn't quote anyone using that memorable term. (A web search suggests the "some" people calling NC's move "a modern-day scarlet letter" are solely Severson's fellow aggrieved liberal journalists...)" Full text: NYT's Severson: 'Some' Say ID Stripe on Illegals' Drivers Licenses Are 'Modern-Day Scarlet Letter' 2 Thess. 2:7, 8


New member
If Mexico would become a truly capitalist, Christian country like the USA used to be

maybe its pepole wouldn't be trying to desert... jump ship


New member
Hmm. I see there are still some old faces around here...

I figured we were off the "rule of law" chain as soon as I read article 1, section 8 of the constitution and than picked up the newspaper reports of what the congress was doing... Even the most horridly elastic versions of the falsely so-called elastic clauses don't cover the illegalities our central government now daily engages in.

It got even worse when I realized the so-called 14th amendment never passed any of the constitutional standards for becoming an actual amendment... and the federal government has been using it as a club against whichever party is not in power in the federal government (the voting rights act, for example - not that I don't think jim crow was horrible ... it was ... but one wrong doesn't give you a valid reason to commit a wrong of your own to "correct" that wrong.

Our constitution has indeed fallen apart, now that we are no longer a culture that believes in objective (moral) standards, namely, biblical morals.


Our constitution has indeed fallen apart, now that we are no longer a culture that believes in objective (moral) standards, namely, biblical morals.

The constitution has fallen apart and no longer follows biblical morals? You might wanna read it.

As for biblical morals... what name so? Nobody with an attachment to logic accepts morality stems from religion.


New member
The constitution has fallen apart and no longer follows biblical morals? You might wanna read it.

You're not taking it in the sense I meant it... and I could have been clearer.

What I meant is that the constitution is only enforced as long as the people believe the ideas and thinking that the constitution stands on - and we no longer, as a country and a culture, believe these things.

The constitution may as well be physically shredded for as much good as it does anymore. Nobody enforces it, least of all, the people. The idea of the rule of law vs the rule of man is virtually dead these days.

As for biblical morals... what name so? Nobody with an attachment to logic accepts morality stems from religion.

Nice propaganda work there, trying to bias the readers without making a valid argument!

So, it's illogical to accept that morality - which, by its very definition, must come from an thinking, personal agent, and that agent must be of such a nature that he is in a position to establish said moral law.

Wow, man. ;)


What I meant is that the constitution is only enforced as long as...

long as it's a constitution...

The constitution may as well be physically shredded for as much good as it does anymore. Nobody enforces it, least of all, the people.

You wouldn't be very happy if they did.

Nice propaganda work there, trying to bias the readers without making a valid argument!

The onus is yours to have seen other evidence. I'd be amazed if you hadn't... surely your government doesn't spend all it's education cash on F35s?

Wow, man. ;)

^ Explain that, please. And if you'd like to me to engage in a debate with you, please give me some warning (it's quite difficult to tie your own arm behind your back).


New member
long as it's a constitution...

So you're saying that a constitution will always be enforced because it's a constitution, even if nobody believes in the ideas that uphold said constitution and nobody wants to enforce said constitution? :noway:

The onus is yours to have seen other evidence. I'd be amazed if you hadn't... surely your government doesn't spend all it's education cash on F35s?

Here and I was trying to be nice and presume it was only propaganda usage, not something you really believed and were trying to put forth.

So now *your* personal subjective experience is the ultimate, non-finite defining basis for argument?

It must be, if you really think that you know that nobody who accepts the idea that morality stems from God has an attachment to logic.

You've read everyone's mind who has ever been and ever will be conceived such that you can make that statement validly?

^ Explain that, please. And if you'd like to me to engage in a debate with you, please give me some warning (it's quite difficult to tie your own arm behind your back).

You do realize that there's a sentence above the "wow?"

The Barbarian

It seems that the people who are most hysterical in their claims that we are not following the Constitution, are those who are also most hysterical when we do follow it.


New member
"Immigration and Customs Enforcement is dropping cases against illegal immigrants who have been detained for deportation, opting instead to let them go, ..." ICE Dropping Immigration Cases: :Nineveh: Backdoor Amnesty? Full text

"Steele says immigration law 'not a reflection of an entire political party'" Full text

"Hope in the Lord (Ps 65:5) not the RePublicans." ~ Bob Enyart :rolleyes:

"If you come home to find your house burglarized and you call, we're not coming :BRAVO:," .. Cutbacks force police to curtail calls for some crimes Full text

:Nineveh: 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

It is fairly clear to me what the Obama administration is trying to do.
Blame the Republicans for any and all negative consequences.
This president needs a dose of Harry Truman "The Buck Stops Here!".


Drug Ease

Justice Dept Seeks to Curtail Stiff Drug Sentences


The Barbarian

this has been a hot debate, and seems that it would never end.

Yep. The republicans are trying to outdo each other, showing how much they hate Hispanics, and the democrats are giving them as much opportunity as they can.

It serves the purposes of both parties. The republicans are trying to hold onto the tea party people, and the democrats want to keep reminding Hispanics what the republicans think of them.

Cynical politics as usual.


The [R]epublicans are trying to outdo each other, showing how much they hate Hispanics...
:noway: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).

"Homo sapiens. A primate...People are animals...God rules out the creationist doctrine...ome apes are more special than others..." ~ Barbarian

"If they are going to misuse terms like racist, then they are the villains." ~ Ben Shapiro Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Tactics of the Left

Recommended Reading:

Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans by Ben Shapiro
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