Law & Order Personhood Episode!

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Law & Order Personhood Episode!

This is the show from Monday October 26th, 2009.

The producers [of Law and Order combed] the Denver-based pro-life websites absolutely, unmistakably. And I'll give you one example. If you go to the top of there are 2 videos. Right on the top of the site is video from the press conference held to launch Colorado's 2010 Personhood amendment and Gualberto Garcia Jones is holding his newborn son. Precious little boy. And he says, "Two weeks ago my son had fewer rights than a dog or a cat." ...Do you know that statement comes up in this Law and Order episode? The executive assistant district attorney, Michael Cutter, says, "My God, don't you realize that dogs and cats have more rights than unborn children?"
This show even has anti-regulation, anti-exception elements and they're in the mouths of the regular characters. Do you get that? It's not just a guest appearance of some pro-life activist saying these things. Their own characters are saying these things. This is a culturally significant show.
The pro-life group - the activists who are outside of the late-term abortionist's clinic - you'd think they would present them as deranged domestic terrorists, right? No, they're heroes in the show! ...It was absolutely stunning! ...It's a culturally significant event, this Personhood episode of Law and Order.


* Law & Order's First-Ever Pro-life Episode: Watch the full episode at the link above and just hit Play! This one installment is Pastor Approved! Unlike many Law & Order programs, this one program contains no vulgarity, no virtual nudity, and no soft-porn, so men, we can watch this episode!)

* Bob Enyart & Doug McBurney Burn OJ on Comedy Central: Really! As this next video begins (See link at the top of this page), Jon Stewart of The Daily Show uses a then-current movie title to point out that we all know that O.J. murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman:

* Successful LifeCommercials Banquet: Thanks to Lee Martin, Daren Streblow, and everyone who came out to make the LifeCommercials banquet a great success!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: Enjoy listening to Bob Enyart’s Bible study on miracles and healing titled Details Galore! Did you realize that men often react negatively to displays of God’s power? The ten plagues in Egypt, the forty years of miracles in the wilderness, and Christ’s wonders in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum all left onlookers in a state of unbelief. Bob's study on CD, Details Galore, analyzes the scriptural material on this aspect of human behavior by evaluating every single miracle listed in the Bible! Also, you can read this same analysis in Bob’s life’s work, the best-selling book, The Plot!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Bob got some of the quotes wrong. Connie's quote was, "I can't leave my soul in the umbrella stand..."


New member
With all the hoopla Bob makes about Intellectual Property rights, it is odd he would flagrantly violate them.

CastTV is streaming from zShare, a user upload site not unlike megaupload.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
With all the hoopla Bob makes about Intellectual Property rights, it is odd he would flagrantly violate them.

CastTV is streaming from zShare, a user upload site not unlike megaupload.

Hello cfisher! Thanks for raising the issue. If I find out that embedding that video violates copyright, I'd take it down immediately. It seems it doesn't. CastTV is a mainstream video aggregator of Hulu, ESPN, ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, etc. They're doing business with TV Guide, which has a long and positive relationship with content providers and CastTV provides TV Guide's streaming (; their launch was announced by Barron's; unlike other sites, I haven't seen reports of any GE lawsuit against them; etc.

If you have more info, please feel free to post it!

Thanks so much!


Bob Enyart

Staff member
ARTL Article on Law & Order personhood episode on WND!

ARTL Article on Law & Order personhood episode on WND!

Brian Rohrbough's extraordinary American RTL article on NBC's first-ever pro-life Law & Order episode appears online at We urge against watching this immoral and soft-porn series, but this episode is pastor-approved and just to remind you :) you can view it online at KGOV!

From a detective Bernard: "You got it backwards, man. The horrible thing is the rape, not the bringing of a life into the world."

And from one of the show's lawyers, Connie: "I grew up thinking Roe v. Wade was gospel. … But [now] I don't know where my privacy ends and another being's dignity begins." And another attorney Michael Cutter quoted real-world surveys when he said, "The tide has turned. Most Americans are pro-life now." He also says he prefers to call the fetus a "child," as in: "An unborn child is a life and a soul, to me. I can revert to PC in the courtroom, because it's my job. But I'm not going to do it in my own office" and he suggests that we can "substitute slavery for abortion." And the district attorney named Jack McCoy says, "My daughter was pro-choice until she saw a sonogram of her unborn child." And later, "I used to expect people to be consistent. … I used to expect that [liberal] champions of human rights would claim some for the unborn. I don't expect that anymore."

The article ends with Brian Rohrbough saying, "Personhood is back, Jack. Expect a lot."

You'll love reading the full article at WorldNetDaily! It's stunning! And then please consider voting in WND's Personhood Poll!


New member
Hall of Fame
"Soft porn.":rotfl:

Surprising and encouraging to see this subject matter treated as even-handedly as it was.


Well-known member
I love Law & Order but it has really it needs to go off.
As it has ran it's course. But glad that they have
Their first ever anti-abortion episode.
Maybe some of the writers are Christians!
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