Last call on the primaries

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
It looks like Trump to me and if he can solidify his pledge on universal affordable healthcare you have your next President.


New member
It looks like Trump to me and if he can solidify his pledge on universal affordable healthcare you have your next President.

I think Trump has a good chance of winning the GOP nomination, appealing to the party's mass of horrible embittered people. But his chances in the general, I think, are nil. I still see Sanders as the most viable candidate, if he can secure the Democratic nomination.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It looks like Trump to me and if he can solidify his pledge on universal affordable healthcare you have your next President.
He's been all over the place on that one. I'm not sure if he wants it but realizes it wouldn't play well with his base or what...he didn't hurt himself with a lot of teachers by coming out against Common Core, I can tell you that.

I think this could be a very entertaining election cycle.


As dumb as the population is these days you never know.

If he weren't a social liberal, Sanders would have my vote. Which is unfortunate, because his popular appeal lies in his economic, not social, liberalism. :idunno: