Koban's SPOTD

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BillyBob said:
I'll tell you tao, it was the condescending nature of your post directed towards the abilities of us parents as teachers and our children's abilities to learn that struck a negative chord with us. It was also the way you lumped all homeschoolers together and portrayed them as backwoods illiterates who pale in comparison to publically schooled children.

That's just bull**** and you know it.

There are certainly homeschool parents who teach creationism. There are also plenty who teach evolution. Big friggin' deal! It's not like that topic is definitive as to the development of any particular child or his professional future.

Instead of deriding parents who make major sacrifices to homeschool their children, you should commend them for having more love and fortitude for their children than parents who dump them off in a public school as a matter of convenience.
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