Knight's POTD 2-3-2008

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Nathon Detroit

Fantastic post. :up:

Mystery nailed it, and I would add... God the Son does not suffer from multiple personality disorder, God the Son isn't schizophrenic. Those who claim He is have invented a bizarre defect in the Christ and have put their faith into man-made doctrine not based on God's word.

As I expressed to Knight on another thread, I am glad that this important doctrine has been brought to debate. I am also encouraged that many now know that God, who appeared to us in the likeness of sinful flesh Romans 8:3 Philippians 2:5-7, died on a cross to reconcile the world unto Himself 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 and was raised because of our justification Romans 4:25 did not have two natures, two souls, two minds, and two unique identities.

As those who hold to an unbiblical view of the incarnation have pointed out, they think that the "one nature" of God abandoned the "other nature" of man at some point prior to or during the crucifixion, where they attempt to divide Jesus into two separate persons:

God... whom they claim did not and could not suffer and die for your sins

and a

Man... who was abandoned by God, and suffered and died with an independent mind, will, and soul.

They conclude that God, who was in Christ reconciling the world, was not in Christ during the time that the world was being reconciled. :dizzy:

The "two nature" theorists have no biblical support, and have in fact stripped us from our redemption, while at the same time stripping Jesus from His divine nature when it was the most pivitol point in History (His story).


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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As noted in many places, anyone that subscribes to the heresy of Mystery's view is an Apollinarian. To deny Christ was fully human (including a human soul) and fully God is to deny that full atonement was made for our sins.

Mystery's view of Christ is basically God in a biological body, nothing more. That is the condemned heresy of Apollinarianism.

Mystery believes even Bob Hill, for he writes:

The "two nature" theorists have no biblical support, and have in fact stripped us from our redemption, while at the same time stripping Jesus from His divine nature when it was the most pivitol point in History (His story).

Christ was one Person, with a fully human (including a human soul) and a fully divine nature indissolubly united by a hypostatic union that cannot be divided, confused, mixed, or separated.


New member
We don't deny that Jesus was fully human and also fully God. He never at any time ceased to be God. Including when He died. It is AMR's position that is wacky and unScriptural! And it is my sincere hope that he will one day see it!

What we deny is the position that tries to turn Christ into TWO people.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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We don't deny that Jesus was fully human and also fully God. He never at any time ceased to be God. Including when He died. It is AMR's position that is wacky and unScriptural! And it is my sincere hope that he will one day see it!

What we deny is the position that tries to turn Christ into TWO people.
Do you believe Christ possessed a human soul as part of his fully human nature?


New member
Do you believe Christ possessed a human soul as part of his fully human nature?

I know where you are going with this, so I will save you time and effort. Here is the truth: Jesus Christ, God the Son, the Son of God died on the cross for the sins of mankind. Anyone who will put their faith and trust in Him will have forgivenness from the One who is Just and is also the Justifier! (See Romans 3:21-26)

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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We don't deny that Jesus was fully human and also fully God. He never at any time ceased to be God.
Indeed, Christ never ceased to be God. Amen! And if He was fully human He possessed a human soul and will, something that Mystery and apparently Knight deny.

What we deny is the position that tries to turn Christ into TWO people.
And so do I. One Person, with two natures, one fully divine and one fully human in an indissoluble hypostatic union that cannot be divided, mixed, separated, or confused.

Nathon Detroit

Indeed, Christ never ceased to be God. Amen! And if He was fully human He possessed a human soul and will, something that Mystery and apparently Knight deny.
Jesus possessed His own soul. That's it! No parlor tricks need apply.

And so do I. One Person, with two natures, one fully divine and one fully human in an indissoluble hypostatic union that cannot be divided, mixed, separated, or confused.
If you truly believed that the Son was indissoluble you would agree that the Son died on the cross for our sins, but you don't believe that. You are a blasphamous quadridarian spewing your unbiblical garbage all of the place.
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