Knight's POTD 12-3-2007b

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Nathon Detroit

Yes, that's right I picked two POTD's in one day.

Got a problem with that? :D
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the site
Not a creature was spamming, try as they might,

The spammers were hung by a big rope with care,
In hopes that they'd cease, they hadn't a prayer,

The smackers were nestled all snug in there threads,
While visions of righteousness danced in their heads,

And Knight in his armour all ready to smack,
He lowered the boom, no bravery he lacked,

When out in a forum there rose such a clatter,
I sprang from the shoutbox to see what's the matter,

Away to the forums I flew like a flash
Clete was already there, boy did he dash

Calvies bombarded sometime in the night
They thought they could show up and give us a fright

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
Godfreeswill came along and brought them to tears

Many great smackers so sharp and so quick
showed up just in time to give them a kick

Rapid as eagles some homosexuals came
But just as always Crash smacked them the same

Now Delmar, now Nineveh, now D2I and PastorKevin,
Smacked on the unrighteous in hopes they'd see Heaven,

To the top of the rep list, Red77 did go,
But how he actually got there, we all really know,

And then in a twinkling, I heard justice being defended,
I saw it was Turbo, his arguments transcended,

As I became startled and was turning around,
I saw some pro-choicers, they came with a bound,

Dressed in sheer wickedness from head to foot
Their hearts were all tarnished with ashes and soot

A bundle of smackers flung on their backs
Being sure to tell them just what were the facts

Their eyes, how wicked how cruel and how mean
How quickly DXpose came to the scene.

Evil was conquered, Unrighteousness defeated
The smackers rose victoriously, their task now completed

Knight was now pleased as he logged off out of sight
"Merry smacking to all and to all a goodnight."

:first: Classic!


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Hey what a great post! :up:

Where's the link for it so we can pos-rep it :)

EDIT- Never mind I forgot about the arrow thingy.
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