:rotfl:Poly said::chrysost: Dear Santa,
I've been a very good girl this year.
I've been averygood girl this year.
I've been averygoodgirl this year. :noid:
No doubt a man in your line of work would know the difference between being bad and being misunderstood.
Hope all is well with you.
You mentioned in your kind letter I found last Christmas morning by the empty plate and milk glass, how much you loved those little chocolate macaroon cookies I left you so I'll be leaving them again. I'll even leave you 3 this time instead of 2.
Anyway, I would like a black "Think inside the box" T-shirt. If you could make this happen, that'd be swell. :up:
Say hello to the Mrs. and tell her that red is a really good color for her.
Poly T. Truthsmacker