Knight's POTD 10-05-2006

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Nathon Detroit

Philetus said:

It is absurd to think that the awesome sovereign God of all creation has chosen to have a loving relationship with a mere lump of clay. God does not treat people as objects. God has ascribed ‘worth’ to individuals, even those who have never heard the Gospel! As sovereign over His own sovereignty, God has given life and freedom to those he created for reciprocal relationship. Don’t deny it … deal with it. Repent and receive the Spirit and bare the fruit of that relationship.

We are free yet compelled; drawn not dragged. Free from divine coercion; free to fellowship with the Spirit; free to surrender our will to His … all according to God’s decree that we do so through faith in the “FREE” gift of life in His Son.

We are equally free to coerce; free to associate with the evil one; free to go our own way at our own peril; free to think for ourselves or free to seek the mind of Christ. We are free to choose and given all the divine help we need to choose His will over our own, all because our sovereign creator God has so loved the world.

God is not only sovereign, God is loving and just. Those who die without ever hearing the Gospel will be judged by a loving, righteous and omnicapable God accordingly. They are not our problem unless we who have heard fail to share the good news that God is in Christ reconciling the world when the opportunity is presented.


Excellent! :first:

[ context ]


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