Knight's POTD 06-09-2006

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Nathon Detroit

This is an older post, I must have missed it when it was originally posted but it is a classic!

Bob Enyart said:
The clock says that in eight minutes I have to leave to bring my son to his cub scout meeting, so I think I'll read Fool's response to my post until I find an easy error to refute, and then refute it. So here goes...


Seven minutes to go! I found it!
fool said:
So you're saying it's not absolutly wrong to butcher an infant or have sex with your sister. This blows a neat hole in the absolutism you like to espouse. You're unable to condemn an act unless you first know who comanded the act. That's relativism, just admit you're a relativist and I'll let you go.
Six minutes to go (okay, so I'm slow at editing posts...)

Fool, you knew you were misrepresenting my Christian position when you wrote: "You're unable to condemn an act unless you first know who comanded the act."

You and I had a specific discussion on this very topic. Remember? I stated clearly that NOT everything that God could theoretically do would be righteous.

Five minutes...

I reminded you about the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, and I said (close enough to verbatim) "If Jesus would have submitted to Satan, and bowed down and worshipped him, that would have been evil, and Jesus would no longer be our righteous and holy God."

You remember that. Of course you do. (If not, ask Phy, and he can create a transcript for you.)

So when you wrote, "This blows a neat hole in the absolutism you like to espouse. You're unable to condemn an act unless you first know who comanded the act. That's relativism..." when you wrote that, you knew your were lying about my position. And either you just didn't care, because of your emotional bias, or you couldn't think of a way to make this first argument of yours without knocking down that straw dummy that you had erected.

Four minutes...

[All I did was check Preview Post :) ]

Three minutes...

[All I did was fix a couple typos, and checked Preview Post again]

Two minutes...

[All I did was write the Title for the post; I always do that last]

One minute...

[Final proof read. Gotta go, that's good enough to trap a fool.]

-Bob Enyart
:first: POTD

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