Knight's POTD 04-08-2006

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Nathon Detroit

Vaquero45 said:
Colossians said:
Of course what Open Theists also don't understand, is that prophecy is not merely God's fortelling of the future, but His speaking it into being.

Thanks, C. I wasn't sure whether or not God spoke the overthrow of Nineveh or the consumption of Israel into existence or not, but you cleared that up for me! NOT.

He can only do this, if He is Himself the future, for God cannot speak into being anything outside of the Person of Christ. (The Open Theist will not even begin to understand this point.)

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life, and the future, Anyone who sins, sinned because I skipped ahead and planned it all for my glory, because dying for man's sins is really fun despite my fake prayers that suggest the contrary. More sin makes grace abound, despite arguments against the idea that you might find in the unsettled viewer's Bibles. (snipped from Colossians' Bible)

In line with this, another thing the Open Theists don't understand (and in line with Christ's declaring that His present was before Abraham's past), is that the future has in fact already occurred, and that this is the very reason it will occur. (This one will also go right over their heads.)

John 8:58, Jesus is God and created the world, WOW Colossians!, we bow to your obviously God inspired new found wisdom!! Who EVER read the Bible and found this verse before ?!?!? Surely not an ignorant OV'er! It is so plainly obvious that the future has already taken place, including the stupid post you will answer me with!!!
Your "over their heads" is an understatement!!! I heard a crack in the sky that made my ear drums bleed when I read this, and it could only have been the wisdom you caught and explained for us that was about to shoot past me had you not. Thanks, C!

Any other great surprises to deal out for us?

So there are many things the Open Theists don't understand. There position is unwittingly demonic - a contrivance to resist the absolute control of God. The lie of the snake in Eden.
And it has been fuelled by pride: Satan has tempted their simple minds in offering them something which makes them feel intellectual and sophisticated. He has gotten them to lean on their own understanding, rather than on the Lord's.

Ahhh man, C, you disappointed me here. You forgot Luciferian and Humanistic. Those are the two descriptions that really drive a stake through my OV heart when opponents throw them around. How in the wide world of sports could I defend myself after having those two hurled at me? You failed here for the most part, although the "lie of Eden" and Satan working my "simple mind" are a bit disturbing. :up: At least it was an average insult. I give you a grade of C+ for these.

It is one thing to say "I am a Christian" with your intellect; it is another to say it by the Holy Spirit.

So, C, do you say it by the Holy Spirit, or by your intellect? Does it matter what you think here? Didn't God decree which ever view you think you hold? Do you really believe it, or did God decree that you "think" you believe it, and He will actually laugh as you protest on your way to hell? Hard to say, no?

The Holy Spirit would never declare a limitation on God, no matter how apparently Christ-centred it is expressed.
Even non-believers see no limitation in scripture on God. Hopefully it will not be they who testify against the Open Theists at judgement.

Yeah, that silly Holy Spirit was lying when He inspired jeremiah to write: Jer 32:35 And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

Thanks for another great revelation C.

Great smack!!! :first:

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