:first:AO, I couldn't imagine that Mendel could live and work for 25 years after Origins, and not know of it. I wonder why you assumed that. Just look at the first result after searching for mendel darwin, and you get, from PBS and Google 1: "Mendel read Darwin with deep interest, but he disagreed..."Mendel and Darwin were not aware of one another despite being close in time period.
And then AO, as to your list, perhaps you didn't understand the point of our list. It's not to prove that creation is correct. It's to disprove the claim that only scientifically ignorant people believe in creation. Since so many of the fathers of the natural sciences, both before and after Darwin, reject evolution and natural origins, the above list falsifies that common atheist claim.
So while Newton & Kepler, etc., wrote extensively on the truth of the Bible, you list some Christian scientists who don't believe in special creation of man or the universe, like Dobzhansky, Lemaître, & Walcott. And that proves? And as to...
Asa Gray - 1871- Important American Botanist, contemporary and friend of Darwin.
AO, we were listing the FATHERS of the branches of science, and Google 1 for: father of modern biology is Linnaeus, and he's in our list.
And as for Walcott and the Cambrian Explosion, adding to his being stunned by the complexity of life so low in the geologic column, I imagine you've thought through the stunning discoveries in microbiology that supercharges the "explosive" part of all that variety?
And now, reportedly, sponges are genetically 70% the same as humans? And what was so much of the genetic toolbox doing in "ancient" species that would not need those tools for tens and hundreds of millions of years?
AO, you might dismiss all this, but it's part of the powerful evidence that's been lining up that forced New Scientist to do their cover story admitting that DARWIN WAS WRONG: on the tree of life! Check it out at! And now, we're just waiting for Darwin's other shoe to drop…