:first: POTDOriginally posted by godrulz
I used to try to stretch my brain to figure out all the Hollywood time travel movies (Back to the Future, etc.). I could never make sense of it. Then I tried to figure it out with the classic 'eternal now' view that Augustine, C.S. Lewis, and most believers hold to. It still did not make sense, but I accepted it by faith. Then I found that there was an alternate view that was more philosophically cogent and in sync with the simple revelation of the God of history in Scripture. The lights went on and now it makes sense. It is not easy to shift from a traditional view, but once it is apparent that the classical view was tainted with Greek philosophy and is not necessarily based on exegesis of revelation...and there are other implications...it helps resolve the predestination vs free will controversy also. Some of the future is settled, while some of the future is open. How awesome that God and man are on an adventure that will see Him ultimately rule and reign in triumph. The journey is not without meaning. Prayer changes things. We walk with the living God and experience His Story (history) together. Our lives are significant. We are not part of the fatalistic world of Muslims (or Calvinists?).
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