Knight's pick 12-05-2003

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Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
It is fundamentally unjust to punish someone for something they were forced to do. Especially if the one doing the punishment is the one who is doing the forcing!

Further, in response to your earlier emotionally based argument, it is not because of arrogance that I am saved but because of humility. It is the proud that put their nose in the air and say, "I am a good man!". The humble of heart turn to God and say, "Woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips!” The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God!

Further still, it is hypocritical of you (a Calvinist) to blame me or anyone else on this thread for doing wrong in the first place. For according to you, every key stoke was ordained by God an eternity before I was born. You're problem isn't with me or with Open Theism, it is with God, after all, it was He who predestined me to believe in free will.

Resting in Him,

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