The ever changing evolutionary landscape. Well said nicholsmom. :up:
:first:... No data exists that would falsify it. if somehow it were to be falsified, it would be the virtual destruction or complete destruction of all theory in all of the physical sciences. That is how tightly they are linked.
Could this actually happen, though, taikoo? It seems to me that there isn't anything that could really falsify the ever-changing theory of the progression of things along evolutionary paths. It looks, from my vantage, like whenever any new data comes along that would tend to falsify it, the picture of evolution changes to fit the new data.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that our perception of the way things work should change with new information, but the theory of evolution is such an evolving thing as to render it unfalsifiable - or so it would appear.
What possible natural evidence would tend to falsify evolution rather than cause a major shift in the interpretation of the data so as to create a new model for evolution?
Oh right: what does evolution have to do with basic chemistry, the laws of motion, thermodynamics, electro-magnetism, that sort of thing? Not that these aren't used in the sciences concerning the study of evolution, just how would falsification of the ToE alter them?