Knight's pick 09-02-2005

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Nathon Detroit

Clete said:
I was thinking about this point last night and I don't know why I feel compelled to respond to it. I don't expect that any of you will find this compelling at all so I suppose that I must just be a glutton for punishment. Be that as it may, here goes nothin'...

The extra day is not merely an illusion (according to Einstein that is). In fact, it has to be the so called time dilation that is the illusion not the sunrises. The reason why is because there is no correction mechanism inherent in the Relativity model that would get both clocks back into sync with each other. In other words, the difference is additive. If my sunset took 1 second (lets use large numbers here to make the math easier) longer to happen this evening than yours did, and since it will do the same again tomorrow then when the sunsets for me tomorrow the sun should have already set 2 seconds ago for you. And this additive process is never corrected by say having the sun rise 1 second earlier for you to make up the difference so it isn't a matter of an illusion. According to Einstein, I really am moving through time itself slower than you are. And so eventually you should be experiencing the sunset a full half hour before I do and later on down the road you'll be seeing the rosy sunset 13 hours earlier than I and eventually a full 24 hours and so on. According to Einstein we should literally be getting further and further out of sync with each other.

The problem with that is, that we don't. The sun sets when it sets and we both sit and watch it set at the same moment. The only thing getting out of sync is our clocks, not us, and not the sun or the Earth or anything else, just the clocks. If I were actually getting out of sync with you along with my clock then if the sunset was supposed to happen at 8:33pm then when your clock read 8:33pm the sun would be setting for you and then later when my clock read 8:33pm the sun would be setting for me. But that isn't what happens. I watch the sunset at the exact same moment that you do, in spite of the fact that my clock says it shouldn't happen for several more hours. Thus it isn't time itself that has been effected but merely our clocks.

Resting in Him,



Active member
I keep trying to post something here to demonstrate my approval, but I am desperate to make sure that it does not sound horribly idiotic when measured against Clete's post! Doh! Too late. Good work, Clete.


New member
If we had a smiley that say's "Word Up !"...I'd use it here, so on that note, "Word Up" Clete !

Good pick Sir Knight..PS: Outstanding job (you & Lion) on the show(s). :BRAVO:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Thanks you guys. :)

I keep thinking I'm too burned out on this subject to continue with it but then I just get these little tid bits that pop into my head and I can't resist the urge to post them. This one came to me this morning while I was half asleep in the shower. Imagine what I could do if I was awake! :noway:



New member
Clete said:
...This one came to me this morning while I was half asleep in the shower. Imagine what I could do if I was awake!
They say our best ideas come on the toilet or in the tub :think: ...that's how Dr. Steve Austin came up with his "floating log mat theory" regarding Mt. St. Helens ...while he was in the tub, he observed a bar of soap floating on the surface...and bingo! We have conclusive proof the creationists are right [again] and the earth is only 7-10K years old....coal can form in only a few months, petrified wood can form in only a few months, vast canyons can be carved out of solid rock in a matter of seconds by water, etc., etc....
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