Knight's pick 05-10-2010

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Nathon Detroit

I am a couple days late but this is a great post by chatmaggot!

I know the Bible states that homosexuality is bad but I wish Christians would just get off of that bandwagon and let people sin if they choose to sin.

Do you really believe that? If a child molester wants to sin by molesting children, should Christians let them? How about if someone were a rapist, or murderer, or adulterer? If you knew of someone that was an adulterer and was proud of it, would you say nothing about their continued unfaithfulness?

Also, I have made this point before in regards to why it seems that Christians are always talking about homosexuality but I will repeat it here again.

Christians aren't just against homosexuality and abortion as it may appear on TheologyOnline and other Christian forums. Christians are against sin. Sin is destructive to people in the here and now...and in eternity.

The reason why Christians are so vocal about homosexuality and abortion is because that is the front line of attack in the battle against God today.

If it were the case that people were trying to make it so that rape was accepted as a normal behavior, or that molesting children was to be condoned as "they were just born that way", Then Christians would be on the front line of THOSE battles.

However, there isn't a movement to indoctrinate children in the schools to accept rape and molestation or adultery has normal behavior. There aren't marches in every city titled "Rapist Pride Month" where supporters are trying to normalize sinful behavior.

It is about standing up for God and what he wants and attempts to stigmatize sinful behavior wants again to keep people from living destructive life-styles.

If it happens in the next few years that rape starts to become something that is accepted, and encouraged, and marches are held to educate people on the joy of rape, and it is being taught in the schools that it is can be assured that Christians will be on the front line of that battle as well. Those who accept the lie will then wonder why Christians are always talking about rape...can't they just let people live the life they want to live?

And by the way, in the opening post it said Westbrook Baptist Church and it should be Westboro Baptist Church.


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Outstanding, Chatmaggot! That statement really struck me as well. It's shocking how we take sin so lightly sometimes. It's a critical matter and the last thing we should have is a mindset of "whatever floats your boat". :(

Shame on any of us who call ourselves Christians yet encourage sin!
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