Knight's pick 04-03-2003

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Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by ebenz47037
When I was a kid, everybody said that Mom, baseball, and apple pie made them think of America fondly. I could see that back then. America was pretty much at the top of the proverbial totem pole in the 70's. As a kid growing up in a suburb of Seattle, Washington, I didn't have a care in the world. Sure, we had our crime. But, it was nothing even close to what we have now.

People respected the flag, veterans (as a rule), and the country in general. We weren't afraid to say, " nation under God." We didn't have to worry about being politically correct so no one would get hurt by our saying wrong was wrong and right was right. We respected cops, firemen, and soldiers (sailors, in my case). Teachers didn't have to hide behind metal cages to keep from getting beat up or raped by their students. We didn't have metal detectors at schools and malls.

That all changed. I can't remember exactly when it changed. But, change, it did. I was a navy brat. So, I was brought up to respect police officers, firemen, and soldiers and/or sailors. I'm bringing up my daughter the same way. She actually stops and talks to the Korean War veteran who is a greeter at the local Wal-Mart.

I still say wrong is wrong and right is right. But, people get offended to easily nowadays. They call me a bigot, a fanatic, or a fundy. I'm not a bigot because I hold myself to the same standard or higher that I hold everyone else to. But, I say thank you when I'm called a fanatic or a fundy.

I believe that abortion is murder. I don't believe that homosexuality is an acceptable life-style choice. I believe that the Bible is actually the Word of God. Sure, it was written by men and subject to having mistakes (because it was written by men). But, these men were inspired by God. The mistakes I've seen could be nothing more than two people's versions of the same event. I mean, how many times will a police officer get the same story from two or more witnesses to a bank robbery or a hit and run accident?

Some may not be happy reading this. That's okay. I'm a right-wing, conservative, Christian. I will not set standards for others that I am not willing to accept for myself.


New member
Nice. I think it was that MTV that did it. :D With the explosion of the information age and the net, I wonder if that will act as a catalyst to prevent or help evil. Probably will just complicate matters until Christ comes. Who knows. :)

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Goose
Nice. I think it was that MTV that did it. :D With the explosion of the information age and the net, I wonder if that will act as a catalyst to prevent or help evil. Probably will just complicate matters until Christ comes. Who knows. :)
I put the blame on hippies. :D


Cosmic Redneck
What's wrong with hippies? I'm a hippie, except I bathe, don't sleep with many anonymous partners, don't do drungs, and I don't protest against everything. I do have longish hair though.
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