Kim wins


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FOX News:
"Shep Smith HAMMERS Trump for Getting HOSED in North Korea meeting: ‘Kim Jong-un got it ALL’"

Remember "the Un-Cola"?

Well meet the Un-Trump.

Unfortunately, both Sun Tzu AND Hannibal Barca (two of the greatest military strategists in all recorded history to this very day) could not be more proud of the Chinese and North Koreans right about now.

For that matter, read up on how masterfully the Chinese played American POWs into full out conceding Communist ideology, during the Korean War, without so much as a threat.

Even after many of them returned home.

Our Military Psychologists had their hands full for some time after that.

What the Goobers* have unleashed on our country in their irresponsibly blind support of that life-long crook and equally incompetent fraud now in the White House.


* In an episode of Andy Griffith, the character "Goober" ends up with a blinding crush on some new waitress down at the local Diner.

Already, he has eaten three times before lunch, at that Diner, in one day.

He approaches the character "Andy" about going to lunch there with him.

From the moment they arrive, it not only becomes obvious the waitress doesn't even know Goober exists, but that she is immediately strongly attracted to Andy.

Completely oblivious to Goober, the waitress proceedes to fawn over Andy; serving him a slice of meat loaf four times the slice she serves Goober, and so on.

Later, Andy attempts to persuade Goober to realize the woman simply has no interest in him and brings up various of her behaviours which made that obvious.

He mentions the meat loaf.

Goober responds with something like "oh no, she's crazy about me; she did that cause you're a friend of mine, so she wanted to be nice to you..."

Only after a good jolt of reality does Goober finally realize, if but for a moment, he might do well to first vet a bit better whomever he places his hopes in.

The episode ends with the woman now driving Goober up the wall: HIS self-induced illusion, now HIS nightmare.


The Barbarian


On Wednesday morning, Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s paper of record, published a bleak editorial: “Kim Jong-un Got Everything He Wanted from Summit with Trump.”

Reactions to President Trump’s unprecedented meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jung-un played out in a very familiar and predictable way in the United States: The president’s critics lamented his military concessions and effusive praise for a despotic regime, and his allies praised him as an outside-the-box diplomatic mastermind. What should surprise us—and alarm us—was the reaction from South Korea.

On Wednesday morning, Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s paper of record, published a bleak editorial: “Kim Jong-un Got Everything He Wanted from Summit with Trump.”

“Many South Koreans had a great deal of hope for the U.S.-North Korea summit in Singapore because they believed that the historic meeting could resolve the nuclear threat which had loomed over their heads over the last 25 years. U.S. President Donald Trump had been full of promises,” the editorial glumly observes. “The agreement signed by Trump and Kim therefore came as a shock, which only got worse as Trump rambled on during the ensuing press conference.”

The paper’s editors expressed their consternation that despite Trump’s prior assurances that he would go into the summit with a laser focus on Korean denuclearization and flinty resolve not to ease pressure on Korea until that was achieved, he scrapped that focus almost immediately on arrival.

“The sole goal of this summit was the dismantlement of North Korea’s nuclear weapons, and the key gauge would have been a commitment to doing it ‘completely, verifiably and irreversibly’ and a date to do it by—for example 2020, when Trump’s term ends. Instead, the agreement merely reaffirmed the terms of a joint declaration by Kim and President Moon Jae-in after their summit in April, and only holds Kim to working ‘towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,’ which could mean anything,” the editors write. “In short, it represents no progress and achieves nothing.”

And Trump disappoints and fails yet another U.S. ally. But he's sure improved our standing with North Korea and Russian.

If he was trying to destroy U.S. influence in the world, what would he be doing different?