Killing Free Speech

Gary K

New member
Yeah, such molehills as the Democrats once again directly inserting violence into the political processes of the US through the terrorist arm their party. Yeah, just hardly worth a thought. What a tiny little thing of which to speak. Who cares about that? Obviously not you.

The Barbarian

You've gotten confused. These aren't democrats.


Gary K

New member
It seems it is extremely difficult to post a video starting in the middle of the stream here. Advance the time in the video to 26:55 and start watching there. Watch for a couple of minutes or so and you will see Democrat operatives admitting on camera that they were deliberately setting antifa on Trump supporters.

Democrats have done this before too. They used the KKK back in the early 20th century to disrupt the political processes by threatening, and harming, Republicans and blacks.

edit: one more link

They have always resorted to violence when losing. It went so far before the start of the civil war that Charles Sumner, an anti-slavery advocate, was beaten so badly with a cane by a Democrat on the Senate floor that it almost killed him. It was 3 years before Sumner could again walk into the Senate, although still badly crippled, and continue to attend to his duties as a Senator. Preston Brooks didn't do this on the spur of the moment. He thought it over very closely and when Sumner wasn't there the first day Brooks took his heavy cane to the Senate looking for him he came back the next day and beat Sumner to within an inch of his life. This was done with malice aforethought just as the Democrats are using antifa to attack Trump supporters.

The Horn

Anyone who thinks Sharia law actually exists in America is a delusional idiot ! The real threat to freedom and freedom of speech comes from the religious right - the Christian Taliban, which is determined to impose Christian Sharia on America .
Of course, the Christian Taliban does not in any way reflect the views of the vast majority of US Christians, but it is extremely vocal and has far too much influence on the Republican party .

The Barbarian

Anyone who thinks Sharia law actually exists in America is a delusional idiot ! The real threat to freedom and freedom of speech comes from the religious right - the Christian Taliban, which is determined to impose Christian Sharia on America .
Of course, the Christian Taliban does not in any way reflect the views of the vast majority of US Christians, but it is extremely vocal and has far too much influence on the Republican party .

It's too late for them. While they can still have their way on occasion, they may for now have a hero (who panders to them, even as his life is one continuous insult after another to the morals they claim to hold) but as their leaders frequently moan, they've lost the cultural war, a war they declared and just a decade or so ago, had great hopes of winning. Notable defeats:


More Americans have positive views of Muslims than two years ago


Even their sturmabteilung, the white nationalists, are now turning away from them. "Odinism", a corruption of Nordic paganism, is taking hold among neo-Nazi groups.

It's not a good time for the religious right. They've adopted the current occupant of the WH as one of their own but he shares little with them but a fear of women and racial minorities.
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