Kevin Shipp on Trump declaring war on the deep state

Gary K

New member
Here is a great interview with Kevin Shipp, a retired CIA counterintelligence officer who had a widely varied career inside the CIA. He gets into Trump's EO going after corruption, Mueller and his investigation, Comey and his past record of corruption, and how Trump is uncontrollable by the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats inside the government which means Trump has nothing to be blackmailed over in his past, and is not tempted by the corruption around him, and that makes him a rogue in their estimates.


The Barbarian

"Deep State", meaning "the president can't just rule by decree." It infuriates Trump, who was apparently shocked that he couldn't just have Hillary Clinton jailed.


Gary K

New member
"Deep State", meaning "the president can't just rule by decree." It infuriates Trump, who was apparently shocked that he couldn't just have Hillary Clinton jailed.



I say this as kindly as I can. You're an idiot. You're so consumed with hatred of anything and anyone who opposes the socialist agenda that you can't see straight. Open your mind and eyes to what is going on around you. Start reading some alternate news sources rather than the, what I am going to call from now on, mockingbird media. You just might learn something. I know facts that disagree with your agenda aren't your thing, but they would help to open your eyes.

patrick jane

"Deep State", meaning "the president can't just rule by decree." It infuriates Trump, who was apparently shocked that he couldn't just have Hillary Clinton jailed.
[h=1]INDICTMENT IN CLINTON URANIUM ONE RUSSIAN BRIBERY CASE[/h][h=2]Associate in Hillary deal facing conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering charges[/h]

An 11-count indictment has been handed down from a grand jury investigating possible Russian bribery involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal negotiated when she was part of the Obama administration, a report says.
The indictment was levied against Maryland resident Mark Lambert, a former co-president of a nuclear transportation company involved in Hillary Clinton’s deal to sell U.S. uranium interests to a Russian company. A Department of Justice statement says that the 54-year-old Lambert was charged with “one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering.”


Sessions is just getting started.

The Barbarian


I say this as kindly as I can. You're an idiot.

I get it. You're upset and embarrassed by the things Trump has done and said. So you;re venting at me, because I mentioned some of it. You're so consumed with hatred of anything and anyone who opposes Trump that you can't see straight.

Open your mind and eyes to what is going on around you. Start reading some alternate news sources rather than the white nationalist websites. You just might learn something. I know facts that disagree with your agenda aren't your thing, but they would help to open your eyes.

You'd be a lot more effective, if you spent less time venting at the Evil Barbarian, and more time trying to put together a cogent argument.

Worth a try; what you're doing now is just making you look foolish.

patrick jane


I say this as kindly as I can. You're an idiot. You're so consumed with hatred of anything and anyone who opposes the socialist agenda that you can't see straight. Open your mind and eyes to what is going on around you. Start reading some alternate news sources rather than the, what I am going to call from now on, mockingbird media. You just might learn something. I know facts that disagree with your agenda aren't your thing, but they would help to open your eyes.
I mostly ignore the disinformation trolls like barbie, jgarden, rexlunae, danoh and the like, unless I decide to prove them wrong with facts. Let them talk to dead air or each other all day. :chuckle:

Gary K

New member
I get it. You're upset and embarrassed by the things Trump has done and said. So you;re venting at me, because I mentioned some of it. You're so consumed with hatred of anything and anyone who opposes Trump that you can't see straight.

Open your mind and eyes to what is going on around you. Start reading some alternate news sources rather than the white nationalist websites. You just might learn something. I know facts that disagree with your agenda aren't your thing, but they would help to open your eyes.

You'd be a lot more effective, if you spent less time venting at the Evil Barbarian, and more time trying to put together a cogent argument.

Worth a try; what you're doing now is just making you look foolish.

LOL. That is funny barb.

The Barbarian

Barbi does not realize, all of his heroes are about to be taken down

Didn't vote for any of them. I usually vote libertarian. But given the indictments so far, your heroes have kinda taken a beating,haven't they?

And there likely to be bigger ones going down before it's all over. And when they appear in court it's probably not going to be really effective to say "but Hillary...".

Judges are notoriously unsympathetic to stuff like that.

sealed indictments for a bunch of them...... wait and see what comes out in the next few weeks....

Should be interesting. But from all the indications, you're not going to like it very much.

patrick jane


I say this as kindly as I can. You're an idiot. You're so consumed with hatred of anything and anyone who opposes the socialist agenda that you can't see straight. Open your mind and eyes to what is going on around you. Start reading some alternate news sources rather than the, what I am going to call from now on, mockingbird media. You just might learn something. I know facts that disagree with your agenda aren't your thing, but they would help to open your eyes.

The last 5 minute shows NBC broadcasting in Hawaii at the Warning Center right when the false alarm went out. NBC was there a few hours before it happened.

[h=1]MockingBird In Hawaii Alert Center Hours Before Missile Warning.[/h]



New member
The Australian link connecting the DNC, Fusion GPS, John McCain, FBI, and Uranium One..... it is all about to be exposed, the 11 count indictment is just the beginning.

patrick jane

[h=1]Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp[/h]

The very people that have been attacking Donald Trump are now feeling the Trump counter attack. Former top CIA officer Kevin Shipp says, “They are terrified, they are terrified right now. They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now. The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable, and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is exactly what’s happening. There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now. . . . Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government. He’s rocking that place left and right. The news media is terrified of that. Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside. It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.”In closing, Shipp says, “Trump is making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance. They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further than that. . . . Trump is making progress, and he has them running scared.”Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Kevin Shipp, former CIA officer and author of the popular book “From the Company of Shadows.”
